Old English Sports eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 100 pages of information about Old English Sports.

Old English Sports eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 100 pages of information about Old English Sports.

Barley-brake, 39

Bath, wakes at, 81

Battledore, 23

Bean, King of, 7

Berks—­Old sports, 81

“Bessy,” 9

Blaize St., 18

Boar’s head at Christmas, 123

Bonfires, 6, 57, 106, 108

Book of Sports, 48, 50

Bounds, beating, 50

Bowl, 49

Boy bishop, 116

Bull-baiting, 89

Burning wheel, 59

Butts, 27

Caber-tossing, 38

Candlemas, 18

Carols, 111

Catherine, St., miracle play, 99

Charlemagne, 58

Chess, 112

Chester, 41, 48

Choirs, Old, 111

Christmas holidays, 5
  customs, 118-126
  at Court, 120

Church decoration, 37, 49, 121

Churchwardens’ accounts, 34, 36, 42, 54, 72, 100

Church ale, 52, 53, 57

Church house, 53

Cloudslee, William of, 28

Club-ball, 65, 66

Cock-fighting, 23, 24

Cock-throwing, 23

Collop Monday, 19

Colloquies of Erasmus, 113

Conversion of St. Paul, mystery play, 98

Country parson, 51

Coventry, 42, 103

Crafte of Hunting, 16

Cricket, 38, 61-65

Cross-bow, 27

Cudgel-play, 38

Curling, 39

Customs, local, 4, 5, 6, 12, 20, 24, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 50,
  54, 60, 62, 78, 81, 106, 108, 109, 117

Dances, country, on village green, 11

Dancing with swords, 10

December, 115

Dedication festivals, 3

Demands Joyous, 110

Devonshire custom, 4

Distaff, St., 9

Dragons, 59

Dues, Cock-fight, 24

Early sport, 14, 16

Easter, 36—­41

Eighteenth century cricket, 63

Election of King of Bean, 7

England “Merry,” 1, 125, 126

English Villages, Our, 3, 80

Epiphany, 5

Erasmus, Colloquies of, 113

Evelyn’s Diary, 90

Fairs, 3, 80

Falconer, 87

February, 13

Festivals, 3, 36, 50, 118

Finsbury, 28

Football, 20, 21, 41

Foot-races, 22, 38

Fox-hunting extraordinary, 17

France, home of tennis, 39

Gambling, 112

Games, minor ball, 71
  " ball, 20, 21, 64, 71
  " indoor, 21, 112

George Herbert, 51

Golf, 66, 68

Good Friday cake, 33

Gospel trees, 50

Grasmere, 72

Guildford, cricket at, 62

Project Gutenberg
Old English Sports from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.