Etiquette eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 752 pages of information about Etiquette.

Etiquette eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 752 pages of information about Etiquette.

Under these circumstances the invitations to the breakfast or reception are sent on sheets of note paper like that used for church invitations, but the wording is: 

Mr. and Mrs. Grantham Jones

request the pleasure of your company

at the wedding breakfast of their daughter



Mr. Burlingame Ross, Jr.

on Saturday the first of November

at one o’clock

at Four East Thirty-Eighth Street

The favor of an
answer is requested

The “pleasure of your company” is requested in this case instead of the “honour of your presence.”


If a wedding is to be so small that no invitations are engraved, the notes of invitation should be personally written by the bride: 

    Sally Dear: 

Our wedding is to be on Thursday the tenth at half-past twelve, Christ Church Chantry.  Of course we want you and Jack and the children!  And we want all of you to come afterward to Aunt Mary’s, for a bite to eat and to wish us luck.



    Dear Mrs. Kindhart: 

Dick and I are to be married at Christ Church Chantry at noon on Thursday the tenth.  We both want you and Mr. Kindhart to come to the church and afterward for a very small breakfast to my Aunt’s—­Mrs. Slade—­at Two Park Avenue.

    With much love from us both,


If no general invitations were issued to the church, an announcement engraved on note paper like that of the invitation to the ceremony, is sent to the entire visiting list of both the bride’s and the groom’s family: 

Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Barnes

have the honour to announce

the marriage of their daughter



Mr. Eben Hoyt Leaming

on Tuesday the twenty-sixth of April

One thousand nine hundred and twenty-two

in the City of New York



Invitations to the marriage of a widow—­if she is very young—­are sent in the name of her parents exactly as were the invitations to her first wedding, excepting that her name instead of being merely Priscilla is now written Priscilla Barnes Leaming, thus: 

        Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Barnes
    request the honour of your presence
      at the marriage of their daughter
          Priscilla Barnes Leaming




For a young widow’s marriage are also the same as for a first wedding: 

    Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Barnes
      have the honour to announce
    the marriage of their daughter
       Priscilla Barnes Leaming
        Mr. Worthington Adams

Project Gutenberg
Etiquette from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.