Etiquette eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 752 pages of information about Etiquette.

Etiquette eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 752 pages of information about Etiquette.

    Church weddings, 102-103; 314-316; 339-342;
      invitations to, 99-100.

    Cigars.  See:  Smoking.

    Circus, etiquette at, 46.

    Clergy, how to introduce, 4-5.

    Clergyman, close of letter to, 456, 489;
      how to address, 488;
      how to introduce, 489;
      visiting card of, 78;
      wedding fee of, 344.

    Closing a letter, 455-458, 460, 487, 489-490, 494-496.

    Clothes, at an afternoon tea, 165, 547, 556;
      at a christening, 385-386;
      at a concert, 547;
      at a funeral, 408;
      at a house party in camp, 441-442;
      at luncheon, 246;
      at the opera, 35, 547, 549;
      at theater, 42-43, 547, 569;
      on a visit, 97;
      at a wedding, 328-330, 332-334, 556, 569-570;
      for a debutante, 281;
      for a gentleman, chapter on, 562-570;
      for a lady, chapter on, 540-570;
      for servants, 138, 140, 143-144, 151-152, 246-247;
      for people with limited incomes, 543-545, 553-557.

    Clubs, chapter on, 511-523;
      conversation in, 508.

    Colloquial language, 62.

    Colors, passing of the, 23.

    Companion, 138.

    Concert, clothes for, 547.

    Condolence, 406-408;
      letters of, 483-485;
      visits of, 88, 93.

    Congratulations, to bride and groom, 362;
      letters of, 481-483.

    Congressman, 486, 487.

    Consul, 488, 489.

    Contradiction, 50-51.

    Conspicuousness, avoidance of, 28.

    Conventions for the young girl, 292-294.

    Conversation, 506-508;
      chapter on, 48-57;
      foreign words in, 19;
      how to begin, 8;
      at afternoon tea, 170;
      at dinner, 216, 221, 223-225;
      at the home table, 592;
      at the opera, 37;
      on a railway train, 595;
      on a steamer, 599, 600, 602;
      on the street, 28;
      at the table, 10, 12, 576-577;
      at the theater, 40-41;
      at a wedding, 355, 362-363;
      without an introduction, 10, 12, 599-600.

    Cook, 146-147, 178, 234-235.

    Corn, how to eat, 573.

    Corn on the cob, when to eat, 582.

    Correct usage of words and phrases, 58-62.

    Correspondence.  See:  Letters.

    Country clothes, 548-550; 568, 570; 603.

    Country clubs, 516-517, 520.

    Country house, chapter on, 410-439;
      invitations to, 126;
      letters of thanks for visits to, 468-473;
      stationery, 451-453.

    Court, presentation at, 609-610.

    Courtship, 299-301.

    Crests, 451.

    Cuff links, 144, 152, 567.

    Cup, use of, 573.

    Cut direct, 26-27.

Project Gutenberg
Etiquette from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.