Etiquette eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 752 pages of information about Etiquette.

Etiquette eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 752 pages of information about Etiquette.
| LL.D., he is called | Wise, or Rev. | | Dr. Wise) | Stephen Wise. | ---------------+----------------------+---------------------
--+----------------- Ambassador | Your Excellency | His Excellency | Your | or | The American | Excellency:  | Mr. Ambassador | Ambassador,[B] | | | American Embassy, | | | London. | | | | | | | | | | ---------------+----------------------+---------------------
--+----------------- Minister | In English he is | The Hon. J.D. | Sir:  is Pleni- | usually called “Mr. | Prince, American | correct but, potentiary | Prince,” though it | Legation, | Your | is not incorrect to | Copenhagen, or | Excellency:  | call him “Mr. | (more courteously) | is sometimes | Minister.”  The | His Excellency, The | used in | title “Excellency” | American Minister, | courtesy. | is also occasionally | Copenhagen, Denmark | | used in courtesy, | | | though it does not | | | belong to him. | | | In French he is | | | always called | | | Monsieur le | | | Ministre | | ---------------+----------------------+---------------------
--+----------------- Consul | Mr. Smith | If he has held office | Sir:  | | as assemblyman or | or | | commissioner, so that | My dear Sir:  | | he has the right to | | | the title of | | | “Honorable” is | | | addressed:  | | | The Hon. John Smith, | | | otherwise:  | | | John Smith, Esq., | | | American Consul, | | | Rue Quelque Chose, | | | Paris. | ===============+======================+=====================

(section 2) +===================+========================
=+================+================ | | | | Correct | Informal | | Informal | titles in | beginning:  | Formal close:  | close:  | introduction:  +-------------------+---------
----------------+----------------+---------------- | Most Reverend | I have the honor | Same as formal | The Most | and Dear Sir:  | to remain, | close. | Reverend The | | Your humble servant, | | Archbishop. | |

Project Gutenberg
Etiquette from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.