Native Races and the War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 172 pages of information about Native Races and the War.

Native Races and the War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 172 pages of information about Native Races and the War.

“They then ordered me to retrace at once my steps, threatening confiscation of our goods and the imprisonment of our persons if we attempted to force a passage through the country.  I had to pay L14 sterling for the expenses of this mock trial.  They brought the four native Evangelists out of the prison where they had spent two nights and a day in a very unpleasant manner; they gave me leave to take our two waggons out of the square of the Hotel de Ville where they had been put, together with the Transvaal Artillery, some pieces of ordnance, a large Prussian cannon and a French mitrailleuse from Berlin.

“We were free, we were again united, but what a sorrowful reunion!  We could hardly believe that all was ended, and that we must retrace our steps; so many hopes dissipated in a moment! and the thought of having to turn back after having arrived so near to our destination, was heart breaking.  We were all rather sad, asking each other if we were merely the sport of a bad dream or if this was indeed the will of God.  T resolved to make one more effort and ask an interview with the President of the Transvaal, Mr. Burgers.  It was granted to me.  I went therefore to the Cabinet of the President and spoke a long time with the Solicitor-General, protesting energetically against the force they had used against us, and I discussed the matter also with the President himself, but without being able to obtain any reasonable reply to the objections I raised.  I saw clearly that I had to do with men determined to have their own way, and putting what they chose to consider the interests of the State above those of all Divine and human laws.

“Their Parliament (Raad) was sitting, and I addressed myself to two of its members whom I had seen the day before, and who had seemed annoyed at the conduct of the Government towards us.  I besought them for the honour of their country, to bring before their Parliament a question on the subject; but they dared not consent to this, declaring that if the Government were to put the matter before the representatives of the country these latter would decide in our favour, but that they could never take the initiative.

“I had now exhausted all the means at my disposal.  I did all I could to obtain leave to continue our journey, and only capitulated at the last extremity.  I received a written order from the Government telling me to leave the soil of the Republic immediately.

“These gentlemen had made me wait a long time, perhaps because they found it more difficult and dangerous to put down on paper orders which it was much easier to give vocally.  This note was only a reproduction of the accusations they had made against us from the beginning.  They declared to us that we were driven from the country because we had introduced guns, ammunition, and a great quantity of merchandise, and because we had entered the Transvaal without a passport, in spite of the Government itself having recently proclaimed

Project Gutenberg
Native Races and the War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.