Public works, i. 316-317.
Puisaye Papers, i. 450, 452.
Pyrenees, battle of the, ii. 368.
Pyramids, battle of the, i. 190-191.
Quatre Bras, battle of, ii. 473-475, 509.
Quosdanovich, i. 107, 109, 110, 114, 115, 116.
Rapp, ii. 41, 454.
Rastadt, Congress of, i. 170, 176.
Ratisbon, battle of, ii. 191.
Raynal, M., i. 34.
Real, i. 222, 302, 449, 458, 460, 462-463.
Rebecque, Constant de, ii. 462.
Reding, i. 392-394.
Red Sea, i. 181, 200.
Reggio, i. 118.
Regnier, i. 449, 454.
Reiche, Gen., ii. 460, 468, 476, 505.
Reichenbach, Treaty of, ii. 317.
Reille, Gen., ii. 309-311, 454, 462, 473, 490, 494, 495, 505.
Religion, Napoleon’s, i. 19-21.
Remusat, Madame de, i. 329-330, 459.
Revolution, French, i. 465-466.
Rewbell, i. 74, 158, 181, 219, 451.
Reynier, i. 182, 191; ii. 79-80, 332-333,
337-338, 354, 356, 360,
362, 364.
Richter, Jean Paul, ii. 177.
Riviere, Marquis de, i. 456, 458.
Rivoli, battle of, i. 131-136.
Robespierre, i. 57, 59, 60, 62, 63, 70, 82, 174.
Robespierre, the younger, i. 57, 58, 59, 60.
Roederer, i. 222, 233-234, 304-305, 308, 399, 473; ii. 375.
Rohan, Charlotte de, i. 457.
Roland, Mme., i. 46.
Roll, Baron de, i. 450.
Roman Catholic Church, i. 271.
Romantzoff, ii. 144, 180, 269, 274.
Rome, i. 100, 129, 179, 275-277.
Rome, King of, ii. 227, 382, 421.
Romilly, i. 294, 318.
Rose, George, ii. 56.
Rosetta, i. 189.
Rossbach, battle of, ii. 282.
Rousseau, i. 17-21, 25, 26-27, 42-43.
Ruechel, Gen., ii. 91-92, 94, 97.
Rue St. Honore, i. 72.
Rumbold, Sir George, ii. 4.
Russell, Lord John, ii. 440.
Russia, i. 183, 216, 243, 260-263, 315,
333, 339-340,
352, 387, 422, 425, 430-432,
458, 500, 511 (App.); ii.
1, 4-13, 29-30, 47-48, 54,
86, 87, 90, 110, 114-115,
130-132, 134-137, 185, 221,
223, 233, 269, 270-272,
273, 275-276, 282, 317, 385-389,
402-403, 448.
Saalfeld, battle of, ii. 93.
Sacken, Gen., ii. 339, 364, 393-394.
St. Aignan, Baron, ii. 370, 374.
St. Cloud, i. 223-227, 225.
St. Cyr, i. 469; ii. 17, 61-62, 253, 332-334,
340-349, 353, 360, 408, 454.
St. Domingo, i. 312, 358-364, 368, 440, 490, 509 (App.); ii. 81.
St. Gotthard, i. 245-250.
St. Helena, ii. 439, 539-574.
St, Ildefonso, Convention of, i. 366.
St. John, Knights of. See Malta.