The Life of Napoleon I (Volume 1 of 2) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 610 pages of information about The Life of Napoleon I (Volume 1 of 2).

The Life of Napoleon I (Volume 1 of 2) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 610 pages of information about The Life of Napoleon I (Volume 1 of 2).

These islands, situated between Corsica and Sardinia, have a double interest to the historical student.  One of them, Caprera, was destined to shelter another Italian hero at the close of his career, the noble self-denying Garibaldi:  the chief island of the group was the objective of Buonaparte’s first essay in regular warfare.  After some delays the little force set sail under the command of Cesari-Colonna, the nephew of Paoli.  According to Buonaparte’s own official statement at the close of the affair, he had successfully landed his men near the town to be assailed, and had thrown the Sardinian defences into confusion, when a treacherous order from his chief bade him to cease firing and return to the vessels.  It has also been stated that this retreat was the outcome of a secret understanding between Paoli and Cesari-Colonna that the expedition should miscarry.  This seems highly probable.  A mutiny on board the chief ship of the flotilla was assigned by Cesari-Colonna as the cause of his order for a retreat; but there are mutinies and mutinies, and this one may have been a trick of the Paolists for thwarting Buonaparte’s plan and leaving him a prisoner.  In any case, the young officer only saved himself and his men by a hasty retreat to the boats, tumbling into the sea a mortar and four cannon.  Such was the ending to the great captain’s first military enterprise.

On his return to Ajaccio (March 3rd, 1793), Buonaparte found affairs in utter confusion.  News had recently arrived of the declaration of war by the French Republic against England and Holland.  Moreover, Napoleon’s young brother, Lucien, had secretly denounced Paoli to the French authorities at Toulon; and three commissioners were now sent from Paris charged with orders to disband the Corsican National Guards, and to place the Corsican dictator under the orders of the French general commanding the army of Italy.[18]

A game of truly Macchiavellian skill is now played.  The French commissioners, among whom the Corsican deputy, Salicetti, is by far the most able, invite Paoli to repair to Toulon, there to concert measures for the defence of Corsica.  Paoli, seeing through the ruse and discerning a guillotine, pleads that his age makes the journey impossible; but with his friends he quietly prepares for resistance and holds the citadel of Ajaccio.  Meanwhile the commissioners make friendly overtures to the old chief; in these Napoleon participates, being ignorant of Lucien’s action at Toulon.  The sincerity of these overtures may well be called in question, though Buonaparte still used the language of affection to his former idol.  However this may be, all hope of compromise is dashed by the zealots who are in power at Paris.  On April 2nd they order the French commissioners to secure Paoli’s person, by whatever means, and bring him to the French capital.  At once a cry of indignation goes up from all parts of Corsica; and Buonaparte draws up a declaration, vindicating Paoli’s conduct and begging the French Convention to revoke its decree.[19] Again, one cannot but suspect that this declaration was intended mainly, if not solely, for local consumption.  In any case, it failed to cool the resentment of the populace; and the partisans of France soon came to blows with the Paolists.

Project Gutenberg
The Life of Napoleon I (Volume 1 of 2) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.