by strength xantyppa. Suche a beaste haue I
at home. Eula. Thei that goth vnto the
Elephantes weare no white garmentes, nor they that
tame wylde bulles, weare no blasynge reedes, for
experience teacheth, that suche beastes bee madde
with those colours, like as the Tygers by the sound
of tumbrels be made so wode, that thei plucke theymself
in peces. Also thei that breake horses haue their
termes and theyr soundes theyr hadlynges, and other
knackes to breake their wyldnes, wyth all. Howe
much more then is it oure duetyes that ye wyues to
use suche craftes toward our husbandes with whom
all our lyfe tyme wil we, nyl we is one house, and
one bed. xantip. furthwith your tale. Eula,
when I had ones marked there thynges. I applied
my selfe unto hym, well ware not to displease him.
xantip. How could thou do that. Eulalya.
Fyrste in the ouerseynge my householde, which is
the very charge and cure of wyues, I wayted euer,
not onely gyuynge hede that nothing shoulde be forgotten
or undoone, but that althynges should be as he woulde
haue it, wer it euer so small a trifle. xan. wherin.
Eulalia. As thus. Yf mi good man had a fantasye
to this thynge, or to that thyng, or if he would
haue his meate dressed on this fashion, or that fashion.
xan. But howe couldest thou fashyon thye selfe
after hys wyll and mynde, that eyther woulde not
be at home or elles be as freshe as a saulte heryng.
Elali. Abyde a while. I come not at that
yet, yf my husband wer very sad at anye tyme, no
time to speake to him. I laughed not nor tryfled
him as many a woman doth but I looked rufully and
heauyly, for as a glasse (if it be a true stone)
representeth euer ye physnamy of hym that loketh
in it, so lykewyse it becommeth a wedded woman alway
to agre vnto the appetite of her husbande, that she
be not mery when he murneth, nor dysposed to play
when he is sad. And if that at any time he be
waiward shrewshaken, either I pacyfye hym with faire
wordes, or I let hym alone, vntyll the wynd be ouerblowen
gyuing him neuer a word at al, vntil the time come
that I may eyther excuse my faute, or tell hym of
hys. In lyke wyse when he commeth home wel
whitled, I gyue hym gentyll and fayre woordes, so
with fayre entreatynge I gette hym to bed. xantyppa,
O careful state of wyues, when they muste be gladde
and fayne to followe their husbandes mindes, be
thei eluyshe, dronken, or doying what myschiefe
they liste. Eula. As whoe saieth this gentill
dealynge serueth not for bothe partyes, for they
spyte of theyr berdes muste suffre many thynges in
our demeanor, yet a time ther is, when in a weighty
matter it is laufull that the wyfe tell the good
man his faute, if that it be matter of substaunce,
for at lyght trifles, it is best to play byll under
wynge. xantyp. what tune is that Eula. when he is
ydle, neither angry, pensife, nor ouersen, then
betwixt you two secretly he must be told his faute
gently, or rather intreated, that in this thynge
or that he play the better husbande to loke better