Tabulate Corals; of the Lower Silurian; of the Upper
of the Devonian; of the Carboniferous;
of the Permian.
Talpa Europoea. Tapiridoe. Tapirs.
Tapirus Arvernensis. Taxocrinus tuberculatus.
Taxodium. Teleosaurus. Teleostean
Fishes; of the Cretaceous. Telerpeton Elginense.
Tellina proxima. Tentaculites; ornatus.
Terebra. Terebratella; Astleriana.
Terebratula; digona; elongata; hastata; quadrifida;
Terebratulina; caput-serpentis; striata.
Termites. Terrapins. Tertiary period.
Tertiary rocks, classification of. Testudinidoe.
Tetrabranchiate Cephalopods; of the Cambrian; of the
Silurian; of the Upper Silurian; of the
Devonian; of the
Carboniferous; of the Permian; of the
Trias; of the Jurassic;
of the Cretaceous; of the Eocene; of the
Textularia; Meyeriana. Thanet Sands.
Theca. Theca Davidii. Thecidium.
Thecodont Reptiles. Thecodontosaurus; antiquus.
Thecosmilia annularis. Thelodus.
Theriodont Reptiles. Thylacoleo. Tile-stones.
Titanotherium. Toothed Birds. Tortoises.
Tragoceras. Travertine. Tree-Ferns,
of the Devonian; of the Coal-measures. Tremadoc
Slates. Trematis. Trenton Limestone.
Trianthrus Beckii. Triassic period; rocks
of, in Britain; in Germany; in the
Austrian Alps; in North America; life
Triconodon. Trigonia. Trigoniadoe.
Trigonocarpum; ovatum. Trilobites; of
the Cambrian; of the Lower Silurian; of the
Upper Silurian; of the Devonian; of the
Trimerellidoe. Trinucleus; concentricus.
Trionycidoe. Triton. Trochocyathus.
Trochonema. Trogontherium; Cuvieri.
Trumpet-shells. Tulip-tree. Turbinolia sulcata.
Turbinolidoe. Turrilites; catenulatus.
Turritella. Turtles. Typhis tubifer.
Ullmania selaginoides.
Unconformability of strata.
Under-clay of coal.
Ungulata, of the Eocene; of the Miocene; of
Pliocene; of the Post-Pliocene.
Uniformity, doctrine of.
Univalves (see Gasteropoda).
Upper Cambrian; Chalk; Cretaceous; Devonian; Eocene;
Helderberg; Laurentian; Llandovery; Ludlow
rock; Miocene;
Oolites; Silurian period; rocks of, in
Britain; in North
America; life of.
Ursus arctos; Arvernensis; ferox; speloea.
Valley-gravels, high-level and low-level.
Vanessa Pluto.
Vegetation (see Plants).
Ventriculites; simplex.
Venus’s Flower-basket.
Vespertilio Parisiensis.
Vicksburg Beds.
Vitreous Sponges.
Voltzia; heterophylla.
Voluta; elongata.