Sabal major. Sabre-toothed Tiger. Saccammina.
Saccosoma. Salamanders. Salina Group.
Salix; Meeki_. Salmonidoe. Sao hirsuta.
Sassafras cretacea. Sauropterygia.
Scalaria; Groenlandica. Scaphites; oequalis.
Schizodus. Schoharie Grit. Scolecoderma.
Scoliostoma. Scolithus; Canadensis.
Scorpions of the Coal-measures. Scorpion-shells.
Screw-pines. Scutella; subrotunda. Sea-cows
(see Sirenia). Sea-lilies (see
Crinoidea). Sea-lizards (see Enaliosaurians).
Seals. Sea-mats and Sea-mosses (see Polyzoa).
Sea-shrubs (see Gorgonidae). Sea-urchins
(see Echinoidea). Sea-weeds. Secondary
period. Sedimentary rocks. Semnopithecus.
Septaria. Sequoia; Couttsioe; gigantea; Langsdorffii.
Serolis. Serpents (see Ophidia).
Serpulites. Sewalik Hills (see
Siwalik Hills). Sheep. Shell-sands. Sigillaria;
Groeseri. Sigillarioids. Silicates,
infiltration of the shells of Foraminifera by.
Siliceous rocks. Siliceous Sponges. Silicification.
Silurian period (see Lower Silurian and Upper
Silurian). Simosaurus; Gaillardoti. Siphonia;
ficus. Siphonostomatous Univalves. Siphonotreta.
Sirenia; of the Eocene; of the Miocene. Siren
lacertina. Sivatherium; giganteum.
Siwalik Hills, Miocene strata of. Skiddaw Slates.
Sloths. Smilax. Smithia. Snakes
(see Ophidia). Soft Tortoises. Solarium.
Solenhofen Slates. Solitaire. Spalacotherium.
Spatangus. Sphoerospongia. Sphagodus.
Sphenodon. Sphenopteris. Spiders
of the Coal-measures. Spider-shells. Spindle-shells.
Spirifera; crispa; disjuncta; hysterica; mucronata;
rostrata; sculptilis; trigonalis.
Spiriferidoe. Spirophyton cauda-Galli.
Spirorbis; Arkonensis; Carbonarus; laxus; Lewisii;
Spirulirostra. Spondylus; spinosus.
Sponges, of the Cambrian; of the Lower Silurian; of
the Upper
Silurian; of the Devonian; of the Carboniferous;
of the Permian;
of the Trias; of the Jurassic; of the
Spongilla. Spongillopsis. Spongophyllum.
Spore-eases, of Cryptogams in the Ludlow rocks; in
the Coal. Squirrels. Stagonolepis.
Staircase-shell. Stalactite. Stalagmite.
Star-corals. Star-fishes. St Cassian Beds.
Stephanophyllia. Stereognathus. Stigmaria;
ficoides. Stonesfield Slate; Mammals of.
Strata, contemporaneity of. Stratified rock.
Streptelasma. Streptorhynchus. Stromatopora;
rugosa; tuberculata. Strombodes; pentagonus.
Strombus. Strophalosia. Strophodus.
Strophomena; alternata; deltoidea; filitexta; rhomboidalis;
Sub-Apennine Beds. Sub-Carboniferous rocks.
Succession of life upon the globe. Suida.
Sulphate of lime. Sus Erymanthius; scrofa.
Synastroea. Synhelia Sharpeana. Synocladia;
virgulacea. Syringopora; ramulosa.