Beds. Pennatulidoe. Pentacrinus; caput-medusoe;
fasciculosus. Pentamerus; galeatus; Knightii.
Pentremites (see Blastoidea). Pentremites
conoideus; pyriformis. Perching Birds. Percidoe.
Periechocrinus. Perissodactyle Ungulates.
Permian period; rocks of, in Britain; in North America;
life of.
Persistent types of life. Petalodus. Petraster. Petroleum, origin of. Pezophaps. Phacops; Downingioe; granulatus; loevis; latifrons;
longicaudatus; rana.
Phoenopora ensiformis. Phalangers. Phanerogams. Phaneropleuron. Phascolotherium. Pheronema. Phillipsastroea. Phillipsia; seminifera. Pholadomya. Phormosoma. Phorus. Phosphate of lime, concretions of; disseminated in rocks; origin of. Phyllograptus; typus. Phyllopoda, of the Cambrian; of the Lower Silurian; of the
Upper Silurian; of the Devonian; of the Carboniferous; of the
Permian; of the Trias.
Phyllopora. Physa; columnaris. Pigs. Pilton Group. Pinites. Pisces (see_ Fishes). Pisolite. Pisolitic Limestone of France. Placodus; gigas. Placoid Fishes; of the Upper Silurian; of the Devonian; of
the Carboniferous; of the Permian; of the Trias; of the
Jurassic; of the Cretaceous; of the Eocene; of the Miocene.
Plagiaulax. Planolites; vulgaris. Planorbis. Plants, of the Cambrian; of the Lower Silurian; of the Upper
Silurian; of the Devonian; of the Carboniferous; of the
Permian; of the Trias; of the Jurassic; of the Cretaceous;
of the Eocene; of the Miocene.
Plasmopora. Platanus; aceroides. Platephemera antiqua. Platyceras; dumosum; multisinuatum; ventricosum. Platycrinus; tricontadactylus. Platyostoma; Niagarense. Platyrhine Monkeys. Platyschisma helicites. Platysomus; gibbosus. Platystoma. Pleistocene period; climate of. Plesiosaurus; dolichodeirus. Pleurocystites squamosus. Pleurotoma. Pleurotomaria. Plicatula. Pliocene period; rocks of, in Britain; in Belgium; in
Italy; in North America; life of.
Pliopithecus; antiquus. Pliosaurus. Podocarya. Podozamites; lanceolatus. Polir-schiefer. Polycystina; of Barbadoes-earth. Polypora; dendroides. Polypterus. Polystomella. Polytremacis. Polyzoa, of the Cambrian; of the Lower Silurian; of the
Upper Silurian; of the Devonian; of the Carboniferous; of the
Permian; of the Trias; of the Cretaceous; of the Miocene.
Populus. Porcellia. Porcupines. Portage Group. Port-Jackson Shark. Portland beds. Post-Glacial deposits. Post-Pliocene period. Post-Tertiary period. Poteriocrinus. Potsdam Sandstone. Pre-Glacial deposits. Prestwichia; rotundata. Primitia; strangulata.
life of.
Persistent types of life. Petalodus. Petraster. Petroleum, origin of. Pezophaps. Phacops; Downingioe; granulatus; loevis; latifrons;
longicaudatus; rana.
Phoenopora ensiformis. Phalangers. Phanerogams. Phaneropleuron. Phascolotherium. Pheronema. Phillipsastroea. Phillipsia; seminifera. Pholadomya. Phormosoma. Phorus. Phosphate of lime, concretions of; disseminated in rocks; origin of. Phyllograptus; typus. Phyllopoda, of the Cambrian; of the Lower Silurian; of the
Upper Silurian; of the Devonian; of the Carboniferous; of the
Permian; of the Trias.
Phyllopora. Physa; columnaris. Pigs. Pilton Group. Pinites. Pisces (see_ Fishes). Pisolite. Pisolitic Limestone of France. Placodus; gigas. Placoid Fishes; of the Upper Silurian; of the Devonian; of
the Carboniferous; of the Permian; of the Trias; of the
Jurassic; of the Cretaceous; of the Eocene; of the Miocene.
Plagiaulax. Planolites; vulgaris. Planorbis. Plants, of the Cambrian; of the Lower Silurian; of the Upper
Silurian; of the Devonian; of the Carboniferous; of the
Permian; of the Trias; of the Jurassic; of the Cretaceous;
of the Eocene; of the Miocene.
Plasmopora. Platanus; aceroides. Platephemera antiqua. Platyceras; dumosum; multisinuatum; ventricosum. Platycrinus; tricontadactylus. Platyostoma; Niagarense. Platyrhine Monkeys. Platyschisma helicites. Platysomus; gibbosus. Platystoma. Pleistocene period; climate of. Plesiosaurus; dolichodeirus. Pleurocystites squamosus. Pleurotoma. Pleurotomaria. Plicatula. Pliocene period; rocks of, in Britain; in Belgium; in
Italy; in North America; life of.
Pliopithecus; antiquus. Pliosaurus. Podocarya. Podozamites; lanceolatus. Polir-schiefer. Polycystina; of Barbadoes-earth. Polypora; dendroides. Polypterus. Polystomella. Polytremacis. Polyzoa, of the Cambrian; of the Lower Silurian; of the
Upper Silurian; of the Devonian; of the Carboniferous; of the
Permian; of the Trias; of the Cretaceous; of the Miocene.
Populus. Porcellia. Porcupines. Portage Group. Port-Jackson Shark. Portland beds. Post-Glacial deposits. Post-Pliocene period. Post-Tertiary period. Poteriocrinus. Potsdam Sandstone. Pre-Glacial deposits. Prestwichia; rotundata. Primitia; strangulata.