STROPHOHENA (Gr. strophao, I twist; mene, moon). An extinct genus of Brachiopods.
SUB-CALCAREOUS. Somewhat calcareous.
SUB-CENTRAL. Nearly central, but not quite.
SUTURE (Lat. suo, I sew). The line of junction of two parts which are immovably connected together. Applied to the line where the whorls of a univalve shell join one another; also to the lines made upon the exterior of the shell of a chambered Cephalopod by the margins of the septa.
SYRINGOPORA (Gr. surigx, a pipe; poros,
a pore). A genus of
Tabulate Corals.
TABULAE. (Lat. tabula, a tablet). Horizontal plates or floors found in some Corals, extending across the cavity of the “theca” from side to side.
TEGUMENTARY (Lat. tegumentum, a covering). Connected with the integument or skin.
TELEOSAURUS (Gr. teleios, perfect; saura, lizard). An extinct genus of Crocodilian Reptiles.
TELEOSTEI (Gr. teleios, perfect; osteon, bone). The order of the “Bony Fishes.”
TELSON (Gr. a limit). The last joint in the abdomen of Crustacea; variously regarded as a segment without appendages, or as an azygous appendage.
TENTACULITES (Lat. tentaculum, a feeler). A genus of Pteropoda.
TEREBRATULA (Lat. terebratus, bored or pierced). A genus of Brachiopoda, so called in allusion to the perforated beak of the ventral valve.
TEST (Lat. testa, shell). The shell of Mollusca, which are for this reason sometimes called “Testacea;” also, the calcareous case of Echinoderms; also, the thick leathery outer tunic in the Tunicata.
TESTACEOUS. Provided with a shell or hard covering.
TESTUDINIDAE (Lat. testudo, a tortoise).
The family of the
TETRABRANCHIATA (Gr. tetra, four; bragchia, gill). The order of Cephalopoda characterised by the possession of four gills.
TEXTULARIA. (Lat. textilis, woven). A genus of Foraminifera.
THECA (Gr. theke, a sheath). A genus of Pteropods.
THECODONTOSAURUS (Gr. theke, a sheath; odous, tooth; saura, lizard). A genus of “Thecodont” Reptiles, so named in allusion to the fact that the teeth are sunk in distinct sockets.
THERIODONT (Gr. therion, a beast; odous, tooth). A group of Reptiles so named by Owen in allusion to the Mammalian character of their teeth.
THORAX (Gr. a breastplate). The region of the chest.
THYLACOLEO (Gr. thulakos, a pouch; leo, a lion). An extinct genus of Marsupials.
TRIGONIA (Gr. treis, three; gonia, angle). A genus of Bivalve Molluscs.
TRIGONOCARPON (Gr. treis, three; gonia. angle; karpos, fruit). A genus founded on fossil fruits of a three-angled form.