The Ancient Life History of the Earth eBook

Henry Alleyne Nicholson
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 483 pages of information about The Ancient Life History of the Earth.

The Ancient Life History of the Earth eBook

Henry Alleyne Nicholson
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 483 pages of information about The Ancient Life History of the Earth.

SERTULARIDA (Lat. sertum, a wreath).  An order of Hydrozoa.

SESSILE (Lat. sedo, I sit).  Not supported upon a stalk or peduncle; attached by a base.

SETHAE (Lat. bristles).  Bristles or long stiff hairs.

SIGILLARIOIDS (Lat. sigilla, little images).  A group of extinct plants of which Sigillaria is the type, so called from the seal-like markings on the bark.

SILICEOUS (Lat. silex, flint).  Composed of flint.

SINISTRAL (Lat. sinistra, the left hand).  Left-handed; applied to the direction of the spiral in certain shells, which are said to be “reversed.”

SIPHON (Gr. a tube).  Applied to the respiratory tubes in the Mollusca; also to other tubes of different functions.

SIPHONIA (Gr. siphon, a tube).  A genus of fossil Sponges.

SIPHONOSTOMATA (Gr. siphon; and stoma, mouth).  The division of Gasteropodous Molluscs in which the aperture of the shell is not “entire,” but possesses a notch or tube for the emission of the respiratory siphon.

SIPHUNCLE (Lat. siphunculus, a little tube).  The tube which connects together the various chambers of the shell of certain Cephalopoda (e.g., the Pearly Nautilus).

SIRENIA (Gr. seiren. a mermaid).  The order of Mammalia comprising the Dugongs and Manatees.

SIVATHERIUM (Siva, a Hindoo deity; Gr. therion, beast).  An extinct genus of Hoofed Quadrupeds.

SOLIDUNGULA (Lat. solidus, solid; ungula, a hoof).  The group of Hoofed Quadrupeds comprising the Horse, Ass, and Zebra, in which each foot has only a single solid hoof.  Often called Solipedia.

SPHENOPTERIS (Gr. sphen, a wedge; pteris, a fern).  An extinct genus of ferns.

SPICULA (Lat. spicidum, a point).  Pointed needle-shaped bodies.

SPIRIFERA (Lat. spira, a spire or coil; fero, I carry).  An extinct genus of Brachiopods, with large spiral supports for the “arms.”

SPIRORBIS (Lat. spira, a spire; orbis, a circle).  A genus of tube-inhabiting Annelides, in which the shelly tube is coiled into a spiral disc.

SPONGIDA (Gr. spoggos, a sponge).  The division of Protozoa commonly known as sponges.

STALACTITES (Gr. stalasso, I drop).  Icicle-like encrustations and deposits of lime, which hang from the roof of caverns in limestone.

STALAGMITE (Gr. stalagma, a drop).  Encrustations of lime formed on the floor of caverns which are hollowed out of limestone.

STIGMARIA (Gr. stigma, a mark made with a pointed instrument).  A genus founded on the roots of various species of Sigillaria.

STRATUM (Lat. stratus, spread out; or stratum, a thing spread out).  A layer of rock.

STROMATOPORA (Gr. stroma, a thing spread out; paras, a passage or pore).  A Palaeozoic genus of Protozoa.

Project Gutenberg
The Ancient Life History of the Earth from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.