The Ancient Life History of the Earth eBook

Henry Alleyne Nicholson
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 483 pages of information about The Ancient Life History of the Earth.

The Ancient Life History of the Earth eBook

Henry Alleyne Nicholson
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 483 pages of information about The Ancient Life History of the Earth.

RECEPTACULITES (Lat. receptaculum, a storehouse).  An extinct genus of Protozoa.

REPTILIA (Lat. repto, I crawl).  The class of the Vertebrata comprising the Tortoises, Snakes, Lizards, Crocodiles, &c.

RETEPORA (Lat. rete, a net; porus, a pore).  A genus of Lace-corals (Polyzoa).

RHAMPHORHYNCHUS (Gr. rhamphos, beak; rhugchos, nose).  A genus of Pterosaurian Reptiles.

RHINOCEROS (Gr. rhis, the nose; keras, horn).  A genus of Hoofed Quadrupeds.

RHIZOPODA (Gr. rhiza, a root; and pous, foot).  The division of Protozoa comprising all those which are capable of emitting pseudopodia.

RHYNCHOLITES (Gr. rhugchos, beak; and lithos, stone).  Beak-shaped fossils consisting of the mandibles of Cephalopoda.

RHYNCHONELLA (Gr. rhugchos, nose or beak).  A genus of Brachiopods.

RODENTIA (Lat. rodo, I gnaw).  An order of the Mammals; often called Glires (Lat. glis, a dormouse).

ROTALIA (Lat. rota, a wheel).  A genus of Foraminifera.

RUGOSA (Lat. rugosus, wrinkled).  An order of Corals.

RUMINANTIA (Lat. ruminor, I chew the cud).  The group of Hoofed
Quadrupeds (Ungulata) which “ruminate” or chew the cud.

SARCODE (Gr. sarx, flesh; eidos, form).  The jelly-like substance of which the bodies of the Protozoa are composed.  It is an albuminous body containing oil-granules, and is sometimes called “animal protoplasm.”

SAURIA (Gr. saura, a lizard).  Any lizard-like Reptile is often spoken of as a “Saurian;” but the term is sometimes restricted to the Crocodiles alone, or to the Crocodiles and Lacertilians.

SAUROPTERYGIA (Gr. sauro; pterux, wing).  An extinct order of Reptiles, called by Huxley Plesiosauria, from the typical genus Plesiosaurus.

SAURURAE (Gr. saura; oura, tail).  The extinct order of Birds comprising only the Archoeopteryx.

SCANSORES (Lat. scando, I climb).  The order of the Climbing Birds (Parrots, Woodpeckers, &c.)

SCAPHITES (Lat. scapha, a boat).  A genus of the Ammonitidoe.

SCOLITHUS (Gr. skolex, a worm; lithos, a stone).  The vertical burrows of sea-worms in rocks.

SCUTA (Lat. scutum, a shield).  Applied to any shield-like plates; especially to those which are developed in the integument of many Reptiles.

SELACHIA or SELACHII (Gr. selachos, a cartilaginous fish, probably a shark).  The sub-order of Elasmobranchii comprising the Sharks and Dog-fishes.

SEPIOSTAIRE.  The internal shell of the Sepia, commonly known as the “cuttle-bone.”

SEPTA.  Partitions.

SERPENTIFORM.  Resembling a serpent in shape.

Project Gutenberg
The Ancient Life History of the Earth from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.