The Ancient Life History of the Earth eBook

Henry Alleyne Nicholson
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 483 pages of information about The Ancient Life History of the Earth.

The Ancient Life History of the Earth eBook

Henry Alleyne Nicholson
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 483 pages of information about The Ancient Life History of the Earth.

LABYRINTHODONTIA (Gr. laburinthos, a labyrinth; odous, tooth).  An extinct order of Amphibia, so called from the complex microscopic structure of the teeth.

LACERTILIA (Lat. lacerta, a lizard).  An order of Reptilia comprising the Lizards and Slow-worms.

LAMELLIBRANCHIATA (Lat. lamella, a plate; Gr. bragchia, gill).  The class of Mollusca comprising the ordinary bivalves, characterised by the possession of lamellar gills.

LEPIDODENDRON (Gr. lepis, a scale; dendron, a tree).  A genus of extinct plants, so named from the scale-like scars upon the stem left by the falling off of the leaves.

LEPIDOPTERA (Gr. lepis, a scale; pteron, a wing).  An order of Insects, comprising Butterflies and Moths, characterised by possessing four wings which are usually covered with minute scales.

LEPIDOSIREN (Gr. lepis, a scale; seiren, a siren—­the generic name of the Mud-eel or Siren lacertina).  A genus of Dipnoous fishes, comprising the “Mud-fishes.”

LEPIDOSTROBUS (Gr. lepis, a scale; strobilos, a fir-cone).  A genus founded on the cones of Lepidodendron.

LEPTAENA (Gr. leptos. slender).  A genus of Brachiopods.

LINGULA (Lat. lingula, a little tongue).  A genus of Brachiopods.

LYCOPODIACEAE (Gr. lupos, a wolf; pous, foot).  The group of Cryptogamic plants generally known as “Club-mosses.”

MACHAERACANTHUS (Gr. machaira, a sabre; acantha, thorn or spine).  An extinct genus of Fishes.

MACHAIRODUS (Gr. machaira, a sabre; odous, tooth).  An extinct genus of Carnivora.

MACROTHERIUM (Gr. makros, long; therion. beast).  An extinct genus of Edentata.

MACRURA (Gr. makros, long; oura, tail).  A tribe of Decapod Crustaceans with long tails (e.g., the Lobster, Shrimp, &c.)

MAMMALIA (Lat. mamma, the breast).  The class of Vertebrate animals which suckle their young.

MANDIBLE (Lat. mandibulum, a jaw).  The upper pair of jaws in Insects; also applied to one of the pairs of jaws in Crustacea and Spiders, to the beak of Cephalopods, the lower jaw of Vertebrates, &c.

MANTLE.  The external integument of most of the Mollusca, which is largely developed, and forms a cloak in which the viscera are protected.  Technically called the “pallium.”

MANUS (Lat. the hand).  The hand of the higher Vertebrates.

MARSIPOBRANCHII (Gr. marsipos, a pouch; bragchia, gill).  The order of Fishes comprising the Hag-fishes and Lampreys, with pouch-like gills.

MARSUPIALIA (Lat. marsupium, a pouch).  An order of Mammals in which the females mostly have an abdominal pouch in which the young are carried.

MASTODON (Gr. mastos, nipple; odous, tooth).  An extinct genus of Elephantine Mammals.

Project Gutenberg
The Ancient Life History of the Earth from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.