GASTEROPODA (Gr. gaster, stomach; pous, foot). The class of the Mollusca comprising the ordinary Univalves, in which locomotion is usually effected by a muscular expansion of the under surface of the body (the “foot").
GLOBIGERINA (Lat. globus, a globe; gero, I carry). A genus of Foraminifera.
GLYPTODON (Gr. glupho, I engrave; odous, tooth). An extinct genus of Armadillos, so named in allusion to the fluted teeth.
GONIATITES (Gr. gonia, angle). A genus of Tetrabranchiate Cephalopods.
GRALLATORES (Lat. gralloe, stilts). The order of the long-legged Wading Birds.
GRAPTOLITIDAE. (Gr. grapho, I write; lithos, stone). An extinct sub-class of the Hydrozoa.
GYMNOSPERMS (Gr. gumnos, naked; sperma, seed). The Conifers and Cycads, in which the seed is not protected within a seed-vessel.
HALITHERIUM (Gr. hals, sea; therion, beast). An extinct genus of Sea-cows (Sirenia).
HAMITES (Lat. hamus, a hook). A genus of the Ammonitidoe.
HELIOPHYLLUM (Gr. helios, the sun; phullon, leaf). A genus of Rugose Corals.
HELLADOTHERIUM (Gr. Hellas, Greece; therion, beast). An extinct genus of Ungulate Mammals.
HEMIPTERA (Gr. hemi, and pteron, wing). An order of Insects in which the anterior wings are sometimes “hemelytra.”
HESPERORNIS (Gr. Hesperos, the evening star; ornis, bird). An extinct genus of Birds.
HETEROCERCAL (Gr. heteros, diverse; kerkos, tail). Applied to the tail of Fishes when it is unsymmetrical, or composed of two unequal lobes.
HETEROPODA (Gr. heteros, diverse; podes, feet). An aberrant group of the Gasteropods, in which the foot is modified so as to form a swimming organ.
HIPPARION (Gr. hipparion, a little horse). An extinct genus of Equidoe.
HIPPOPOTAMUS (Gr. hippos, horse; potamos, river). A genus of Hoofed Quadrupeds—the “River-horses.”
HIPPURITIDAE. (Gr. hippos, horse; oura, tail). An extinct family of Bivalve Molluscs.
HOLOPTYCHIUS (Gr. holos, whole; ptuce, wrinkle). An extinct genus of Ganoid Fishes.
HOLOSTOMATA (Gr. holos, whole; stoma, mouth). A division of Gasteropodous Molluscs, in which the aperture of the shell is rounded, or “entire.”
HOLOTHUROIDEA (Gr. holothourion, and eidos, form). An order of Echinodermata comprising the Trepangs.
HOMOCERCAL (Gr. homos, same; kerkol, tail). Applied to the tail of Fishes when it is symmetrical, or composed of two equal lobes.
HYBODUNTS (Gr. hubos, curved; odous, tooth). A group of Fishes of which Hybodus is the type-genus.