The Ancient Life History of the Earth eBook

Henry Alleyne Nicholson
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 483 pages of information about The Ancient Life History of the Earth.

The Ancient Life History of the Earth eBook

Henry Alleyne Nicholson
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 483 pages of information about The Ancient Life History of the Earth.

EOCENE (Gr. eos, dawn; kainos, new or recent).  The lowest division of the Tertiary rocks, in which species of existing shells are to a small extent represented.

EOPHYTON (Gr. eos, dawn; phuton, a plant).  A genus of Cambrian fossils, supposed to be of a vegetable nature.

EOZOOeN (Gr. eos, dawn; zooen, animal).  A genus of chambered calcareous organisms found in the Laurentian and Huronian formations.

EQUILATERAL (Lat. oequus, equal; latus, side).  Having its sides equal.  Usually applied to the shells of the Brachiopoda.  When applied to the spiral shells of the Foraminifera, it means that all the convolutions of the shell lie in the same plane.

EQUISETACEAE (Lat. equus, horse; seta, bristle).  A group of Cryptogamous plants, commonly known as “Horse-tails.”

EQUIVALVE (Lat. oequus, equal; valvoe, folding-doors).  Applied to shells which are composed of two equal pieces or valves.

ERRANTIA (Lat. erro, I wander).  An order of Annelida, often called Nereidea, distinguished by their great locomotive powers.

EUOMPHALUS (Gr. eu, well; omphalos, navel).  An extinct genus of Univalve Molluscs.

EURYPTERIDA (Gr. eurus, broad; pteron, wing).  An extinct sub-order of Crustacea.

EXOGYRA (Gr. exo, outside; guros, circle).  An extinct genus of Oysters.

FAUNA (Lat. Fauni, the rural deities of the Romans).  The general assemblage of the animals of any region or district.

FAVOSITES (Lat. favus, a honeycomb).  A genus of Tabulate Corals.

FENESTELLIDAE. (Lat. fenestella, a little window).  The “Lace-corals,” a group of Palaeozoic Polyzoans.

FILICES (Lat. filix, a fern).  The order of Cryptogamic plants comprising the Ferns.

FILIFORM (Lat. filum, a thread; forma, shape).  Thread-shaped.

FLORA (Lat. Flora, the goddess of flowers).  The general assemblage of the plants of any region or district.

FORAMINIFERA (Lat. foramen, an aperture; fero, I carry).  An order of Protozoa, usually characterised by the possession of a shell perforated by numerous pseudopodial apertures.

FRUGIVOROUS (Lat. frux, fruit; voro, I devour).  Living upon fruits.

FUCOIDS (Lat. fucus, sea-weed; Gr. eidos, likeness).  Fossils, often of an obscure nature, believed to be the remains of sea-weeds.

FUSULINA (Lat. fusus, a spindle).  An extinct genus of Foraminifera.

GANOID (Gr, ganos, splendour, brightness).  Applied to those scales or plates which are composed of an inferior layer of true bone covered by a superior layer of polished enamel.

GANOIDEI.  An order of Fishes.

Project Gutenberg
The Ancient Life History of the Earth from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.