DIBRANCHIATA (Gr. dis; twice; bragchia, gill). The order of Cephalopoda (comprising the Cuttle-fishes, &c.) in which only two gills are present.
DICERAS (Gr. dis, twice; keras, horn). An extinct genus of Bivalve Molluscs.
DICTYONEMA (Gr. diktuon, a net; nema, thread). An extinct genus of Polyzoa.
DICYNODONTIA (Gr. dis, twice; kuon, dog; odous, tooth). An extinct order of Reptiles.
DIDYMOGRAPTUS (Gr. didumos, twin; grapho, I write). A genus of Graptolites.
DIMORPHODON (Gr. dis, twice; morphe, shape; oduos, tooth). A genus of Pterosaurian reptiles.
DINICHTHYS (Gr. deinos, terrible; ichthus, fish). An extinct genus of Fishes.
DINOCERAS (Gr. deinos, terrible; keras, horn). An extinct genus of Mammals.
DINOPHIS (Gr. deinos, terrible; ophis, snake). An extinct genus of Snakes.
DINORNIS (Gr. deinos, terrible; ornis, bird). An extinct genus of Birds.
DIPLOGRAPTUS (Gr. diplos, double; grapho, I write). A genus of Graptolites.
DIPNOI (Gr. dis, twice; pnoe, breath). An order of Fishes, comprising the Mud-fishes, so called in allusion to their double mode of respiration.
DIPROTODON (Gr. dis, twice; protos, first; odous, tooth). A genus of extinct Marsupials.
DIPTERA (Gr. dis, twice; pteron, wing). An order of Insects characterised by the possession of two wings.
DISCOID (Gr. diskos, a quoit; eidos, form). Shaped like a round plate or quoit.
DOLOMITE (named after M. Dolomieu). Magnesian limestone.
DORSAL (Lat. dorsum, the back). Connected with or placed upon the back.
DROMATHERIUM (Gr. dromaios, nimble; therion, beast). A genus of Triassic Mammals.
DRYOPITHECUS (Gr. drus, an oak; pithekos, an ape). An extinct genus of Monkeys.
ECHINODERMATA (Gr. echinos; and derma, skin). A class of animals comprising the Sea-urchins, Star-fishes, and others, most of which have spiny skins.
ECHINOIDEA (Gr. echinos; and eidos, form). An order of Echinodermata, comprising the Sea-urchins.
EDENTATA (Lat. e, without; dens, tooth). An order of Mammalia often called Bruta.
EDENTULOUS. Toothless, without any dental apparatus. Applied to the mouth of any animal, or to the hinge of the Bivalve Molluscs.
ELASMOBRANCHII (Gr. elasma, a plate; bragchia, gill). An order of Fishes, including the Sharks and Rays.
ENALIOSAURIA (Gr. enalios, marine; saura, lizard), Sometimes employed as a common term to designate the extinct Reptilian orders of the Ichthyosauria and Plesiosauria.