CARNIVOROUS (Lat. caro, flesh; voro, I devour). Feeding upon flesh.
CARYOCARIS (Gr. karua, a nut; karis, a shrimp). A genus of Phyllopod Crustaceans.
CARYOCRINUS (Gr. karua, a nut; krinon, a lily). A genus of Cystideans.
CAUDAL (Lat. cauda, the tail). Belonging to the tail.
CAVICORNIA (Lat. cavus, hollow; cornu, a horn). The “hollow-horned” Ruminants, in which the horn consists of a central bony “horn-core” surrounded by a horny sheath.
CENTRUM (Gr. kentron, the point round which a circle is described by a pair of compasses). The central portion or “body” of a vertebra.
CEPHALASPIDAE. (Gr. kephale, head; aspis, shield). A family of fossil fishes.
CEPHALIC (Gr. kephale, head). Belonging to the head.
CEPHALOPODA (Gr. kephale; and podes, feet). A class of the Mollusca, comprising the Cuttle-fishes and their allies, in which there is a series of arms ranged round the head.
CERATIOCARIS (Gr. keras, a horn; karis, a shrimp). A genus of Phyllopod Crustaceans.
CERATITES (Gr. keras, a horn). A genus of Ammonitidoe.
CERATODUS (Gr. keras, a horn; odous, tooth). A genus of Dipnoous fishes.
CERVICAL (Lat. cervix, the neck). Connected with or belonging to the region of the neck.
CERVIDAE (Lat. cervus, a stag). The family of the Deer.
CESTRAPHORI (Gr. kestra, a weapon; phero, I carry). The group of the “Cestraciont Fishes,” represented at the present day by the Port-Jackson Shark; so called from their defensive spines.
CETACEA (Gr. ketos, a whale). The order of Mammals comprising the Whales and the Dolphins.
CETIOSAURUS (Gr. ketos, whale; saura, lizard). A genus of Deinosaurian Reptiles.
CHEIROPTERA (Gr. cheir, hand; pteron, wing). The Mammalian order of the Bats.
CHEIROTHERIUM (Gr. cheir, hand; therion, beast). The generic name applied originally to the hand-shaped footprints of Labyrinthodonts.
CHEIRURUS (Gr. cheir, hand; oura, tail). A genus of Trilobites.
CHELONIA (Gr. chelone, a tortoise). The Reptilian order of the Tortoises and Turtles.
CHONETES (Gr. chone or choane, a chamber or box). A genus of Brachiopods.
CIDARIS (Lat. a diadem). A genus of Sea-urchins.
CLADODUS (Gr. klados, branch; odous, tooth). A genus of Fishes.
CLATHROPORA (Lat. clathti, a trellis; porus, a pore). A genus of Lace-corals (Polyzoa).
CLISIOPHYLLUM (Gr. klision, a hut; phullon, leaf). A genus of Rugose Corals.
CLYMENIA (Clumene, a proper name). A genus of Tetrabranchiate Cephalopods.