ASTEROID (Gr. aster, a star; and eidos, form). Star-shaped, or possessing radiating lobes or rays like a star-fish.
ASTEROIDEA. An order of Echinodermata, comprising the Star-fishes, characterised by their rayed form.
ASTEROPHYLLITES (Gr. aster, a star; phullon, leaf). A genus of Palaeozoic plants, with leaves in whorls.
ASTRAEIDAE (Gr. Astroea, a proper name). The family of the Star-corals.
ASTYLOSPONGIA (Gr. a, without; stulos, a column; spoggos, a sponge). A genus of Silurian Sponges.
ATHYRIS (Gr. a, without; thura, door). A genus of Brachiopods.
ATRYPA (Gr. a, without; trupa, a hole). A genus of Brachiopods.
AVES (Lat. avis, a bird). The class of the Birds.
AVICULA (Lat. a little bird). The genus of Bivalve Molluscs comprising the Pearl-oysters.
AXOPHYLLUM (Gr. axon, a pivot; phullon, a leaf). A genus of Rugose Corals.
AZOIC (Gr. a, without; zoe, life). Destitute of traces of living beings.
BACULITES (Lat. baculum, a staff). A genus of the Ammonitidoe.
BALAENA (Lat. a whale). The genus of the Whalebone Whales.
BALANIDAE (Gr. balanos, an acorn). A family of sessile Cirripedes, commonly called “Acorn-shells.”
BATRACHIA (Gr. batrachos, a frog). Often loosely applied to any of the Amphibia, but sometimes restricted to the Amphibians as a class, or to the single order of the Anoura.
BELEMNITIDAE (Gr. belemnon, a dart). An extinct group of Dibranchiate Cephalopods, comprising the Belemnites and their allies.
BELEMNOTEUTHIS (Gr. belemnon, a dart; teuthis, a cuttle-fish). A genus allied to the Belemnites proper.
BELINURUS (Gr. belos, a dart; oura, tail). A genus of fossil King-crabs.
BELLEROPHON (Gr. proper name). A genus of oceanic Univalves (Heteropoda).
BELOTEUTHIS (Gr. belos, a dart; teuthis, a cuttle-fish). An extinct genus of Dibranchiate Cephalopods.
BEYRICHIA (named after Prof. Beyrich). A genus of Ostracode Crustaceans.
BILATERAL. Having two symmetrical sides.
BIMANA (Lat. Bis, twice; manus, a hand). The order of Mammalia comprising man alone.
BIPEDAL (Lat. bis, twice; pes, foot). Walking upon two legs.
BIVALVE (Lat. bis, twice; valvoe, folding-doors). Composed of two plates or valves; applied to the shell of the Lamellibranchiata and Brachiopoda, and to the carapace of certain Crustacea.
BLASTOIDEA (Gr. blastos, a bud; and eidos, form). An extinct order of Echinodermata, often called Pentremites.