to those found in the limbs of the higher Vertebrates.
All the Carboniferous Amphibians belong to a group
which has now wholly passed away—namely,
that of the
Labyrinthodonts. In the marine
strata which form the base of the Carboniferous series
these creatures have only been recognised by their
curious hand-shaped footprints, similar in character
to those which occur in the Triassic rocks, and which
will be subsequently spoken of under the name of
In the Coal-measures of Britain, the continent of Europe,
and North America, however, many bones of these animals
have been found, and we are now tolerably well acquainted
with a considerable number of forms. All of them
seem to have belonged to the division of Amphibians
in which the long tail of the young is permanently
retained; and there is evidence that some of them
kept the gills also throughout life. The skull
is of the characteristic Amphibian type (fig. 132,
a), with two occipital condyles, and having its surface
singularly pitted and sculptured; and the vertebrae
are hollowed out at both ends. The lower surface
of the body was defended by an armour of singular
integumentary shields or scales (fig. 132, c); and
an extremely characteristic feature (from which the
entire group derives its name) is, that the walls
of the teeth are deeply folded, so as to give rise
to an extraordinary “labyrinthine” pattern
when they are cut across (fig. 132, b). Many of
the Carboniferous Labyrinthodonts are of no great
size, some of them very small, but others attain comparatively
gigantic dimensions, though all fall short in this
respect of the huge examples of this group which occur
in the Trias. One of the largest, and at the
same time most characteristic, forms of the Carboniferous
series, is the genus
Anthracosaurus, the skull
of which is here figured.
No remains of true Reptiles, Birds, or Quadrupeds
have as yet been certainly detected in the Carboniferous
deposits in any part of the world. It should,
however, be mentioned, that Professor Marsh, one of
the highest authorities on the subject, has described
from the Coal-formation of Nova Scotia certain vertebrae
which he believes to have belonged to a marine reptile
(Eosaurus Acadianus), allied to the great Ichthyosauri
of the Lias. Up to this time no confirmation
of this determination has been obtained by the discovery
of other and more unquestionable remains, and it therefore
remains doubtful whether these bones of Eosaurus
may not really belong to large Labyrinthodonts.
The following list contains some of the more important
of the original sources of information to which the
student of Carboniferous rocks and fossils may refer:—