Doctor Antonio de Morga The licentiate Tellez Almacan The licentiate Albaro Cambrano
Before me:
Pedro Hurtado Desquibel
An act relating to the breeding of fowls.
In the city of Manila, on the second of October, one thousand five hundred and ninety-eight, the president and auditors of the royal Audiencia of the Philipinas Islands declared that, whereas in the instructions which have been given to the alcaldes-mayor of the provinces of these islands, the latter have been charged and ordered to take particular care that the natives thereof shall raise fowls, in order both to pay their tribute, and to keep the land supplied with necessary food; they are, however, informed that, although the said alcaldes-mayor take particular care in the execution and enforcement of the said instructions, the said natives do not breed the said fowls, because no pecuniary penalties are exacted from them—whence it results that they have none wherewith to pay their tribute; and there is a very considerable lack and scarcity of them in this city, so that they are worth three or four reals apiece, and then scarcely to be found; therefore, to remedy this loss, they ordered, and they did so order, the said alcaldes-mayor, now and henceforth, to reward any of the said natives who raises the number of fowls that is called for by the said instructions. The Indians who will not raise them can be and shall be fined one toston, which is to be applied equally to the support of the two hospitals in this city, those for the Spaniards and for the natives; but no other fines or costs are to be collected from them. They shall keep a book with an account and a report, in which they shall enter the said condemnations in legal form—wherein