The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 09 of 55 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 293 pages of information about The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 09 of 55.

The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 09 of 55 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 293 pages of information about The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 09 of 55.

5. Item:  He declares that, in his opinion, it will be very advantageous to the service of our Lord, and to that of your Majesty, that an attempt, by order and command of your Majesty, should be made to conquer and settle with Spaniards one of the Maluco Islands, namely the best and chiefest, by name Terrenate, settled by the natives, and by Moros, Turks, and Javanese, who have been brought there for its security and protection—­and where the doctrine of Mahoma holds sway.  This would be of very great advantage to the salvation of those souls, and would prevent the inhabitants from leaving there to preach the doctrine of Mahoma in the surrounding islands, as he is informed they are doing in the island of Mindanao, which is under your Majesty’s dominion and protection.  In addition, your Majesty’s royal exchequer would gain greatly, for your Majesty would be master of all the cloves that are taken to Persia, and to many parts of the world, besides those which come to Espana by way of Portuguese Yndia.  From there a great quantity of the spices in that island might be exported to Nueva Espana, and thence to this kingdom in quicker time and at less cost than are required by way of Eastern Yndia and Lisboa—­although the trade and commerce by way of Yndia ought not to cease, as that would not be advantageous to your Majesty’s service.

6. Item:  He declares that, in his opinion, it would be very undesirable for the Japanese tyrant to put into execution his proposed expedition to Manila, of which he insolently wrote to your Majesty’s governor in that city; and this matter might be entrusted to Governor Gomez Perez Dasmarinas, as he is a very valorous and resolute soldier.  He by his valor and prudence will succeed in the undertaking; and had Doctor Santiago de Vera, your Majesty’s governor, sent, years ago, a captain of the energy, valor, and mettle of the present governor, that island and those near by would be gained and pacified, to the great gain of your Majesty’s royal exchequer.

7. Item:  He declares that, in order to effect the above, it will be very advisable for your Majesty to order the island of Bindanao conquered and settled.  This island is located about eighty leguas from the island of Terrenate and from the others, which are separated from one another by not more than two or three leguas; and some are even nearer.  Besides being advisable for the above purpose, the island is very large, and thickly populated, and contains a very abundant supply of cinnamon, which, if cultivated, will bring great gains to your Majesty’s royal exchequer.

8. Item:  He declares that it would be advisable to reenforce the city of Santisimo Nombre de Jesus, on the island of Cubu, with more troops, for its security, as well as that of the other islands near by and those of Maluco, as it is a way station between Maluco and Nueva Espana, and one of the best ports as yet known in those islands.

Project Gutenberg
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 09 of 55 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.