The Magician eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 273 pages of information about The Magician.

The Magician eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 273 pages of information about The Magician.
him.  He was very tall and very thin.  His frame had a Yorkshireman’s solidity, and his bones were massive.  He missed being ungainly only through the serenity of his self-reliance.  He had high cheek-bones and a long, lean face.  His nose and mouth were large, and his skin was sallow.  But there were two characteristics which fascinated her, an imposing strength of purpose and a singular capacity for suffering.  This was a man who knew his mind and was determined to achieve his desire; it refreshed her vastly after the extreme weakness of the young painters with whom of late she had mostly consorted.  But those quick dark eyes were able to express an anguish that was hardly tolerable, and the mobile mouth had a nervous intensity which suggested that he might easily suffer the very agonies of woe.

Tea was ready, and Arthur stood up to receive his cup.

‘Sit down,’ said Margaret.  ’I’ll bring you everything you want, and I know exactly how much sugar to put in.  It pleases me to wait on you.’

With the grace that marked all her movements she walked cross the studio, the filled cup in one hand and the plate of cakes in the other.  To Susie it seemed that he was overwhelmed with gratitude by Margaret’s condescension.  His eyes were soft with indescribable tenderness as he took the sweetmeats she gave him.  Margaret smiled with happy pride.  For all her good-nature, Susie could not prevent the pang that wrung her heart; for she too was capable of love.  There was in her a wealth of passionate affection that none had sought to find.  None had ever whispered in her ears the charming nonsense that she read in books.  She recognised that she had no beauty to help her, but once she had at least the charm of vivacious youth.  That was gone now, and the freedom to go into the world had come too late; yet her instinct told her that she was made to be a decent man’s wife and the mother of children.  She stopped in the middle of her bright chatter, fearing to trust her voice, but Margaret and Arthur were too much occupied to notice that she had ceased to speak.  They sat side by side and enjoyed the happiness of one another’s company.

‘What a fool I am!’ thought Susie.

She had learnt long ago that common sense, intelligence, good-nature, and strength of character were unimportant in comparison with a pretty face.  She shrugged her shoulders.

’I don’t know if you young things realise that it’s growing late.  If you want us to dine at the Chien Noir, you must leave us now, so that we can make ourselves tidy.’

‘Very well,’ said Arthur, getting up.  ’I’ll go back to my hotel and have a wash.  We’ll meet at half-past seven.’

When Margaret had closed the door on him, she turned to her friend.

‘Well, what do you think?’ she asked, smiling.

’You can’t expect me to form a definite opinion of a man whom I’ve seen for so short a time.’

‘Nonsense!’ said Margaret.

Project Gutenberg
The Magician from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.