Mercadet eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 88 pages of information about Mercadet.

Mercadet eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 88 pages of information about Mercadet.

Mme. Mercadet
You have actually ordered them to be admitted?

Mercadet That I may meet them as I ought to!—­(taking her hand.) I am at the end of my resources; the time has come for a master-stroke, and Julie must come to our assistance.

Mme. Mercadet
What, my daughter!

Mercadet My creditors are pressing me, and harassing me.  I must manage to make a brilliant match for Julie.  This will dazzle them; they will give me more time.  But in order that this brilliant marriage may take place, these gentlemen must give me more money.

Mme. Mercadet
They give you more money!

Mercadet Isn’t there need of it for the dresses which they are sending to you, and for the trousseau which I am giving?  And a suitable trousseau to go with the dowry of two hundred thousand francs, will cost fifteen thousand.

Mme. Mercadet
But you are utterly unable to give such a dowry.

Mercadet (rising) All the more reason why I should give the trousseau.  Now this is what we stand in need of:  twelve or fifteen thousand francs for the trousseau, and a thousand crowns to pay the tradesmen and to prevent any appearance of straitened circumstances in our house, when M. de la Brive arrives.

Mme. Mercadet
How can you count on your creditors for that?

Mercadet Don’t they now belong to the family?  Can you find any relation who is as anxious as they are to see me wealthy and rich?  Relations are always a little envious of the happiness of the wealth which comes to us; the creditor’s joy alone is sincere.  If I were to die, I should have at my funeral more creditors than relations, and while the latter carried their mourning in their hearts or on their heads, the former would carry it in their ledgers and purses.  It is here that my departure would leave a genuine void!  The heart forgets, and crape disappears at the end of a year, but the account which is unpaid is ineffaceable, and the void remains eternally unfilled.

Mme. Mercadet
My dear, I know the people to whom you are indebted, and I am quite
certain that you will obtain nothing from them.

Mercadet I shall obtain both time and money from them, rest assured of that.  (Mme. Mercadet is perturbed.) Don’t you see, my dear, that creditors when once they have opened their purses are like gamblers who continue to stake their money in order to recover their first losses? (Growing excited.) Yes! they are inexhaustible gold mines!  If a man has no father to leave him a fortune, he finds his creditors are so many indefatigable uncles.

Justin (entering)
M. Goulard wishes to know if it is true that you desire to see him?

Mercadet (to his wife) My message astounded him. (To Justin) Beg him to come in. (Justin goes out.) Goulard!  The most intractable of them all!—­who has three bailiffs in his employ.  But fortunately he is a greedy though timid speculator who engages in the most risky affairs and trembles all the time they are being conducted.

Project Gutenberg
Mercadet from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.