More English Fairy Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 231 pages of information about More English Fairy Tales.

More English Fairy Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 231 pages of information about More English Fairy Tales.

But the tinker being a nimble fellow, leapt up again, gave Tom a blow that made him reel again, and followed his blow with one on the other side that made Tom’s neck crack again.  So Tom flung down his weapon and yielded the tinker the better on it, took him home to his house, where they nursed their bruises and from that day forth there was no stauncher pair of friends than they two.

Tom’s fame was thus spread abroad till at length a brewer at Lynn, wanting a good lusty man to carry his beer to Wisbeach went to hire Tom, and promised him a new suit of clothes from top to toe, and that he should eat and drink of the best, so Tom yielded to be his man and his master told him what way he should go, for you must understand there was a monstrous giant who kept part of the marsh-land, so that none durst go that way.

So Tom went every day to Wisbeach a good twenty miles by the road.  ’T was a wearisome journey thought Tom and he soon found that the way kept by the giant was nearer by half.  Now Tom had got more strength than ever, being well kept as he was and drinking so much strong ale as he did.  One day, then, as he was going to Wisbeach, without saying anything to his master or any of his fellow servants, he resolved to take the nearest road or to lose his life; as they say, to win horse or lose saddle.  Thus resolved, he took the near road, flinging open the gates for his cart and horses to go through.  At last the giant spied him, and came up speedily, intending to take his beer for a prize.

He met Tom like a lion as though he would have swallowed him.  “Who gave you authority to come this way?” roared he.  “I’ll make you an example for all rogues under the sun.  See how many heads hang on yonder tree.  Yours shall hang higher than all the rest for a warning.”

But Tom made him answer, “A fig in your teeth you shall not find me like one of them, traitorly rogue that you are.”

The giant took these words in high disdain, and ran into his cave to fetch his great club, intending to dash out Tom’s brains at the first blow.

Tom knew not what to do for a weapon; his whip would be but little good against a monstrous beast twelve foot in length and six foot about the waist.  But whilst the giant went for his club, bethinking him of a very good weapon, he made no more ado, but took his cart, turned it upside down, and took axle-tree and wheel for shield and buckler.  And very good weapons they were found!

Out came the giant and began to stare at Tom.  “You are like to do great service with those weapons,” roared he.  “I have here a twig that will beat you and your wheel to the ground.”  Now this twig was as thick as some mileposts are, but Tom was not daunted for all that, though the giant made at him with such force that the wheel cracked again.  But Tom gave as good as he got, taking the giant such a weighty blow on the side of the head that he reeled again.  “What,” said Tom, “are you drunk with my strong beer already?”

Project Gutenberg
More English Fairy Tales from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.