Golden Steps to Respectability, Usefulness and Happiness eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 148 pages of information about Golden Steps to Respectability, Usefulness and Happiness.

Golden Steps to Respectability, Usefulness and Happiness eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 148 pages of information about Golden Steps to Respectability, Usefulness and Happiness.

In case of a different result—­when husband and wife unfortunately find a wide disparity in the leading doctrines of their religion—­they should seek to make the best of their misfortune, and guard against allowing it to prove a bone of contention in their midst.  They should agree to disagree in forbearance and love.  They should respect each other’s views, and be cautious not to say or do that which can cast disparagement on their respective sentiments.  Neither should demand or expect the other to abandon his or her doctrines, without full conviction of their erroneous nature.  Both should be tolerant and forbearing—­willing to grant the other the same freedom of opinion they claim for themselves.

It should be an established rule with husband and wife, to attend the worship of God together.  This is by far the most agreeable and proper procedure.  Should it not be pleasant, however, for both to worship statedly in the same church, and listen to the proclamation of the same doctrines, they should arrange their plans to attend each other’s meetings on alternate Sabbaths.  This kind and friendly reciprocity would be fair, just, and honorable to both parties, and might lead ultimately to a similarity of opinions.  But for a husband or a wife to refuse such a concession, and insist that the other shall forsake their attached place of worship, abandon their sentiments, or remain totally silent in relation to them, on pain of having the harmony and peace of the family destroyed—­would be to exhibit a spirit totally ungenerous, and in violation of every dictate of the Christian religion.

I have made these suggestions, not only for the benefit of those who have recently entered upon married life, but to admonish those who are unmarried to come to an understanding on this subject, and make all these arrangements before the consummation of their vows.  Or, what is still better, let these considerations convince the youthful of the necessity of making a similarity of religious sentiment one of the chief qualifications in forming a tie, which, for good or evil, will connect them with another during the remainder of the earthly journey.

Project Gutenberg
Golden Steps to Respectability, Usefulness and Happiness from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.