Golden Steps to Respectability, Usefulness and Happiness eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 148 pages of information about Golden Steps to Respectability, Usefulness and Happiness.

Golden Steps to Respectability, Usefulness and Happiness eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 148 pages of information about Golden Steps to Respectability, Usefulness and Happiness.
hand to a man who presses to his lips the intoxicating cup!  Though you may have granted your affections, and plighted your troth, to one who is given, even but slightly, to this practice, if on your earnest expostulation, he will not abandon it, you should, without hesitation, break all connection with him.  Every consideration of prudence, self-respect, and safety, urges you to such a step, however painful; and every law, human and divine, will justify you in adopting it.

The suggestions which follow, on the views of Marriage that should be entertained by young men, and “Female qualifications for Marriage,” are so appropriate and excellent, that I cannot forbear giving them an insertion in these pages.

“Whatever advice may be given to the contrary by friends or foes, it is my opinion that you ought to keep matrimony steadily in view.  For this end, were it for no other, you ought to mingle much in society.  Never consider yourself complete without this other half of yourself.  It is too much the fashion among young men at the present day to make up their minds to dispense with marriage;—­an unnatural, and therefore an unwise plan.  Much of our character, and most of our comfort and happiness depend upon it.  Many have found this out too late; that is, after age and fixed habits had partly disqualified them for this important duty.

“According to the character of the person you select, in a considerable degree, will be your own.  Should a mere face fascinate you to a doll, you will not need much mental energy to please her; and the necessity of exertion on this account being small, your own self will sink, or at least not rise, as it otherwise might do.

“But were I personally acquainted with you, and should I perceive an honorable attachment taking possession of your heart, I should regard it as a happy circumstance.  Life then has an object.  The only thing to be observed is that it be managed with prudence, honor, and good sense.

“The case of John Newton is precisely in point.  In very early life this man formed a strong attachment to a lady, under circumstances which did not permit him to make it known which was probably well for both parties.  It did not diminish her happiness, so long as she remained in ignorance on the subject; and in scenes of sorrow, suffering, and temptation, the hope of one day obtaining her soothed him, and kept him from performing many dishonorable actions.  ’The bare possibility,’ he says, ’of seeing her again, was the only obvious means of restraining me from the most horrid designs, against myself and others.’

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Golden Steps to Respectability, Usefulness and Happiness from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.