Golden Steps to Respectability, Usefulness and Happiness eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 148 pages of information about Golden Steps to Respectability, Usefulness and Happiness.

Golden Steps to Respectability, Usefulness and Happiness eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 148 pages of information about Golden Steps to Respectability, Usefulness and Happiness.

In presenting this subject to the consideration of the youthful, I would admonish them against thoughtless engagements, and hasty marriages.  A heedlessness in these matters, is fraught with dangerous consequences.  Matrimony is not to be viewed as a mere joke, or frolic, to be engaged in at any moment, without forethought or preparation.  It is the first great step, the most momentous event, in the life of a young couple.  Their position, their circumstances, their habits, their manner of occupying time, their prospects, all undergo an almost total change at this important era.  It will be to them a source of prosperity, of peace, of the highest enjoyments, or of adversity, misfortune, wrangling, and bitter wretchedness—­as they do, or do not, exercise discretion and judgment in forming the connection.  No thoughtful young man, no prudent young woman, will enter into an engagement of marriage, much less consummate the act, without viewing it in all its bearings.  They will maturely weigh the consequences which follow, and seriously reflect upon the new scenes, duties, responsibilities, and labors, to which it leads.

I know that to many, perhaps most of the young, the whole matter of matrimony is viewed in a light so romantic—­its pathway seeming to be so in the midst of rosy clouds, so fanned by ambrosial gales, so intermixed with flowery meads and rural bowers, the songs of birds and murmuring streams—­that it is exceedingly difficult for them to follow a train of sober thought on the subject.  It is important, however, that they should seek to rise above these deceptive conceptions, and take such a view of this matter, as shall approach the reality, and save them from the disappointment which so often follows this consummation of their fondest dreams.

The selection of a companion for life is a transaction altogether more serious than the young appear generally to view it.  They too often forget, that from all the world, they are choosing one to walk with them in closest intimacy, during all their days; and that it depends on the wisdom of their choice, whether the journey of life shall be peaceful and pleasant, or sad and wretched.  It has passed into a species of proverb, that the selection of a wife or a husband, is like purchasing a ticket in a lottery—­no one knows whether a prize or a blank will be drawn.  There is too much truth in this saying, as selections of husbands and wives are often made.  When the young are governed in such things, by fancy rather than judgment—­when they are carried away captives by some outward, worthless attraction, rather than by solid and useful qualities—­their success will, indeed, depend on blind chance.  But there is no necessity for so great a hazard.  A young man, or a young woman, may positively know beforehand, whether they will draw a prize or a blank.  In fact, they may select the prizes without any mistake, and let the blanks go for what they are worth.  Let them exercise but an ordinary degree of judgment, sound discrimination and good sense, and there will be no danger of drawing a blank.

Project Gutenberg
Golden Steps to Respectability, Usefulness and Happiness from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.