Over Strand and Field eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 119 pages of information about Over Strand and Field.

Over Strand and Field eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 119 pages of information about Over Strand and Field.
the unceasing relation, the eternal hymen of dying humanity and the growing daisy; of the stars that glow, and the men who expire, of the heart that beats and the wave that rises.  And this is so clearly indicated here, is so overwhelming, that one shudders inwardly, as if this dual life centred in one’s own body; so brutal and immediate is the perception of these harmonies and developments.  For the eye also has its orgies and the mind its delights.

At the foot of two large trees, the trunks of which are intersected, a stream of light floods the grass and seems like a luminous river, brightening the solitude.  Overhead, a dome of leaves, through which one can see the sky presenting a vivid contrast of blue, reverberates a bright, greenish light, which illuminates the ruins, accentuating the deep furrows, intensifying the shadows, and disclosing all the hidden beauties.  You advance and walk between those walls and under the trees, wander along the barbicans, pass under the falling arcades from which spring large, waving plants.  The vaults, which contain corpses, echo under your footfalls; lizards run in the grass, beetles creep along the walls, the sky is blue, and the sleepy ruins pursue their dream.

With its triple enclosure, its dungeons, its interior court-yards, its machicolations, its underground passages, its ramparts piled one upon the other, like a bark on a bark and a shield on a shield, the ancient Chateau of the Clissons rises before your mind and is reconstructed.  The memory of past existences exudes from its walls with the emanations of the nettles and the coolness of the ivy.  In that castle, men altogether different from us were swayed by passions stronger than ours; their hands were brawnier and their chests broader.

Long black streaks still mark the walls, as in the time when logs blazed in the eighteen-foot fireplaces.  Symmetrical holes in the masonry indicate the floors to which one ascended by winding staircases now crumbling in ruins, while their empty doors open into space.  Sometimes a bird, taking flight from its nest hanging in the branches, would pass with spread wings through the arch of a window, and fly far away into the country.

At the top of a high, bleak wall, several square bay-windows, of unequal length and position, let the pure sky shine through their crossed bars; and the bright blue, framed by the stone, attracted my eye with surprising persistency.  The sparrows in the trees were chirping, and in the midst of it all a cow, thinking, no doubt, that it was a meadow, grazed peacefully, her horns sweeping over the grass.

Project Gutenberg
Over Strand and Field from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.