Over Strand and Field eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 119 pages of information about Over Strand and Field.

Over Strand and Field eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 119 pages of information about Over Strand and Field.

People fond of mythology thought them the columns of Hercules; people fond of natural history thought them a representation of the python, because, according to Pausanias, a similar heap of stones, on the road from Thebes to Elissonte, was called “the serpent’s head,” and especially because the rows of stones at Carnac present the sinuosities of a serpent.  People fond of cosmography discovered a zodiac, like M. de Cambry, who recognised in those eleven rows of stones the twelve signs of the zodiac, “for it must be stated,” he adds, “that the ancient Gauls had only eleven signs to the zodiac.”

Subsequently, a member of the Institute conjectured that it might perhaps be the cemetery of the Venetians, who inhabited Vannes, situated six miles from Carnac, and who founded Venice, as everybody knows.  Another man wrote that these Venetians, conquered by Caesar, erected all those rocks solely in a spirit of humility and in order to honour their victor.  But people were getting tired of the cemetery theory, the serpent and the zodiac; they set out again and this time found a Druidic temple.

The few documents that we possess, scattered through Pliny and Dionysius Cassius, agree in stating that the Druids chose dark places for their ceremonies, like the depths of the woods with “their vast silence.”  And as Carnac is situated on the coast, and surrounded by a barren country, where nothing but these gentlemen’s fancies has ever grown, the first grenadier of France, but not, in my estimation, the cleverest man, followed by Pelloutier and by M. Mahe, (canon of the cathedral of Vannes), concluded that it was “a Druidic temple in which political meetings must also have been held.”

But all had not been said, and it still remained to be discovered of what use the empty spaces in the rows could have been.  “Let us look for the reason, a thing nobody has ever thought of before,” cried M. Mahe, and, quoting a sentence from Pomponius Mela:  “The Druids teach the nobility many things and instruct them secretly in caves and forests;” and this one from Tucain:  “You dwell in tall forests,” he reached the conclusion that the Druids not only officiated at the sanctuaries, but that they also lived and taught in them.  “So the monument of Carnac being a sanctuary, like the Gallic forests,” (O power of induction! where are you leading Father Mahe, canon of Vannes and correspondent of the Academy of Agriculture at Poitiers?), there is reason to believe that the intervals, which break up the rows of stones, held rows of houses where the Druids lived with their families and numerous pupils, and where the heads of the nation, who, on state days, betook themselves to the sanctuary, found comfortable lodgings.  Good old Druids!  Excellent ecclesiastics!  How they have been calumnied!  They lived there so righteously with their families and numerous pupils, and even were amiable enough to prepare lodgings for the principals of the nation!

Project Gutenberg
Over Strand and Field from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.