counter (opp.), counter (of shop),
counter (in games), &c. couch (coucher),
couch (grass). caddy (lad), caddy
(box). can (s.), can (v.).
cannon, canon bis. currant, current. curry
(food), curry (comb). colonel, kernel.
cape (dress), cape (headland). caper
(skip), caper (plant). case (event),
case (receptacle). cashier (s.), cashier
(v.). key, quay. keen (adj.), keen
(v.). cue, queue. climb, clime. cleek,
clique. coal, cole. cope (v.), cope (s.).
coat, cote. core, corps, caw. cork, caulk.
call, caul. corn (grain), corn (horny
growth). course, coarse, corse. cobble (to
patch), cobble (boat), cobble (_-stones_).
cock (s. and v.), cock (of hay). cockle
(v.), cockle (s. var.). creak, creek.
cricket (insect), cricket (game).
cruel, crewel. cruise, cruse, crews. coombe
(valley), coom (dry measure). choir,
quire (of paper). quiver (v.), quiver
(s.). queen, quean [obs.]. last
(adj., verb), last (s.) lye
(s.), lie (v.), lie (s. and n.).
lyre, liar. lichen, liken. light (s.),
light (not heavy), and hence lighten, lighten.
lack, lac, lakh. lap (lick up), lap (fold),
lap (knees). lay (s., bis), lay (v.).
lake (pond), lake (colour). let
(allow), let (lease, v.), let (hinder,
obs.). lee, lea. leaf, lief. league (s.),
league (v. and s.) leak, leek. lean (v.),
lean (adj.). leech (sucker and doctor),
leech (of sail). leave (quit), leave (permit).
limp (adj.), limp (v.). link (chain), link (torch),
also golf-links, list (listen), list (heel over),
list (of flannel). liver (organ), liver (who lives).
lo! low (adj.), low (of cow’s voice). load,
lode, lowed, lone, loan. lock (of door), lock
(of hair), loch. long (adj.), long (v.). lorn,
lawn, lute, loot. mast (of ship), mast
(beech-m.). march (step), march (boundary),
March (month). mine (s.), mine (poss.
pron.). mite, might (s.), might (v.),
[and adj. -y]. mitre (headdress),
mitre (carpentry, &c.). mass (quantity),
mass (office). match (equal), match
(meche). muff (dress), muff (a
stupid). may (month), may (maid, obs.),
may (v.). male, mail (coat of), mail
(post). mane, main. mace (staff),
mace (spice). maze, maize, Mays (pl. of
month). mare, mayor. meed, mead (meadow),
mead (drink). mean (intend), mean
(intermediate), mean (poor), mien
meet, meat, mete (adj. and v.). mere (pool), mere (adj.). mint (herb), mint (coining).
meet, meat, mete (adj. and v.). mere (pool), mere (adj.). mint (herb), mint (coining).