Lobo, Rag and Vixen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 105 pages of information about Lobo, Rag and Vixen.

Lobo, Rag and Vixen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 105 pages of information about Lobo, Rag and Vixen.

The whole secret was now out, and the whole family doomed.  The hired man came around with pick and shovel to dig them out, while we and the dogs stood by.  Old Vix soon showed herself in the near woods, and led the dogs away off down the river, where she shook them off when she thought proper, by the simple device of springing on a sheep’s back.  The frightened animal ran for several hundred yards; then Vix got off, knowing that there was now a hopeless gap in the scent, and returned to the den.  But the dogs, baffled by the break in the trail, soon did the same, to find Vix hanging about in despair, vainly trying to decoy us away from her treasures.

Meanwhile Paddy plied both pick and shovel with vigor and effect.  The yellow, gravelly sand was heaping on both sides, and the shoulders of the sturdy digger were sinking below the level.  After an hour’s digging, enlivened by frantic rushes of the dogs after the old fox, who hovered near in the woods, Pat called: 

“Here they are, sor!”

It was the den at the end of the burrow, and cowering as far back as they could, were the four little woolly cubs.

Before I could interfere, a murderous blow from the shovel, and a sudden rush for the fierce little terrier, ended the lives of three.  The fourth and smallest was barely saved by holding him by his tail high out of reach of the excited dogs.

He gave one short squeal, and his poor mother came at the cry, and circled so near that she would have been shot but for the accidental protection of the dogs, who somehow always seemed to get between, and whom she once more led away on a fruitless chase.

The little one saved alive was dropped into a bag, where he lay quite still.  His unfortunate brothers were thrown back into their nursery bed, and buried under a few shovelfuls of earth.

We guilty ones then went back into the house, and the little fox was soon chained in the yard.  No one knew just why he was kept alive, but in all a change of feeling had set in, and the idea of killing him was without a supporter.

He was a pretty little fellow, like a cross between a fox and a lamb.  His woolly visage and form were strangely lamb-like and innocent, but one could find in his yellow eyes a gleam of cunning and savageness as unlamb-like as it possibly could be.

As long as anyone was near he crouched sullen and cowed in his shelter-box, and it was a full hour after being left alone before he ventured to look out.

My window now took the place of the hollow basswood.  A number of hens of the breed he knew so well were about the cub in the yard.  Late that afternoon as they strayed near the captive there was a sudden rattle of the chain, and the youngster dashed at the nearest one and would have caught him but for the chain which brought him up with a jerk.  He got on his feet and slunk back to his box, and though he afterward made several rushes he so gauged his leap as to win or fail within the length of the chain and never again was brought up by its cruel jerk.

Project Gutenberg
Lobo, Rag and Vixen from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.