1. There was first of all Leai, nothing. Thence sprung Nanamu, fragrance. Then Efuefu, dust. Then Iloa, perceivable. Then Maua, obtainable. Then Eleele, earth. Then Papatu, high rocks. Then Maataanoa, small stones. Then Maunga, mountains. Then Maunga married Malaeliua, or changeable meeting-place, and had a daughter called Fasiefu, piece of dust. She married Lave i fulufulu tolo, or down of the sugar-cane flower, and to her was born three sons: Mua, first; Uso, brother; Talu, and their sister Sulitonu, or true heir. And then follows a story as to Mua and Talu originating the names of two districts on the island of Upolu.
2. A cosmical genealogy takes the form of married couples, and runs as follows:—
Male. Female. Progeny.
1. The high rocks. The earth rocks. The earth.
2. The earth. High winds. Solid clouds.
3. Solid clouds. Flying clouds.
(1) Confused winds.
Quiet winds.
Boisterous winds.
Land beating
Dew of life.
4. Dew of life. Clouds clinging
Clouds flying about.
the heavens.
5. Clouds flying Clear heavens. (1) Shadow.
(2) Twilight.
6. Quiet winds. Beautiful clouds. Cloudless heavens.
7. Cloudless Spread out Tangaloa
heavens. heavens.
originator of men.
8. Tangaloa. Great heavens.
Tangaloa of the
9. Tangaloa of Keeper of the Pili.
the heavens. heavens.
10. Pili. Sina the tropic
(1) Sanga.
(2) Ana.
11. Ana. Sina the powerful. Matofaana.
12. Matofaana. Sina the bald. Veta.
13. Veta. Afu lilo. Naituveta.
14. Naituveta. Toe lauoo. Toso.
15. Toso. Langi fiti pula. Siu tau lalovasa.
16. Siu tau Pai (who reckoned Siu toso.
lalovasa. the light).