Poor Jack eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 539 pages of information about Poor Jack.

Poor Jack eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 539 pages of information about Poor Jack.
“Why, Jack, the fact is when they picked me up I was quite altogether non pompus.”  I also collected at various times the following facts—­that he was put into the mizzentop, and served three years in the West Indies; that he was transferred to the maintop, and served five years in the Mediterranean; that he was made captain of the foretop, and sailed six years in the East Indies; and, at last, was rated captain’s coxswain in the “Druid” frigate, attached to the Channel fleet cruising during the peace.  Having thus condensed the genealogical and chronological part of this history, I now come to a portion of it in which it will be necessary that I should enter more into detail.

The frigate in which my father eventually served as captain’s coxswain was commanded by a Sir Hercules Hawkingtrefylyan, Baronet.  He was very poor and very proud, for baronets were not so common in those days.  He was a very large man, standing six feet high, and with what is termed a considerable bow-window in front; but at the same time portly in his carriage.  He wore his hair well powdered, exacted the utmost degree of ceremony and respect, and considered that even speaking to one of his officers was paying them a very high compliment:  as for being asked to his table, there were but few who could boast of having had that honor, and even those few perhaps not more than once in the year.  But he was, as I have said, very poor; and moreover he was a married man, which reminds me that I must introduce his lady, who, as the ship was on Channel service, had lodgings at the port near to which the frigate was stationed, and occasionally came on board to take a passage when the frigate changed her station to the eastward or to the westward.  Lady Hercules, as we were directed to call her by Sir Hercules, was as large in dimensions, and ten times more proud than her husband.  She was an excessive fine lady in every respect; and whenever she made her appearance on board, the ship’s company looked upon her with the greatest awe.  She had a great dislike to ships and sailors; officers she seldom condescended to notice; and pitch and tar were her abomination.  Sir Hercules himself submitted to her dictation; and, had she lived on board, she would have commanded the ship:  fortunately for the service, she was always very seasick when she was taking a passage, and therefore did no mischief.  “I recollect,” said my father to me, “once when we were running down to Portsmouth, where we had been ordered for provisions, that my Lady Hercules, who was no fool of a weight, being one night seasick in her cot, the lanyard of the cot gave way, and she came down with a run by the head.  The steward was called by the sentry, and there was a terrible shindy.  I, of course, was sent for, as I had the hanging up of the cot.  There was Sir Hercules with his shirt flapping in the wind, and a blanket over his shoulders, strutting about in a towering passion; there was the officer of the watch, who had

Project Gutenberg
Poor Jack from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.