Mrs. Lirriper's Legacy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 56 pages of information about Mrs. Lirriper's Legacy.
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Mrs. Lirriper's Legacy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 56 pages of information about Mrs. Lirriper's Legacy.

It was some kind of brain fever he had had, and his hair was all gone, and some wetted folded linen lay upon his head.  I looked at him very attentive as he lay there all wasted away with his eyes closed, and I says to the Major—­

I never saw this face before.”

The Major looked at him very attentive too, and he says “I never saw this face before.”

When the Major explained our words to the military character, that gentleman shrugged his shoulders and showed the Major the card on which it was written about the Legacy for me.  It had been written with a weak and trembling hand in bed, and I knew no more of the writing than of the face.  Neither did the Major.

Though lying there alone, the poor creetur was as well taken care of as could be hoped, and would have been quite unconscious of any one’s sitting by him then.  I got the Major to say that we were not going away at present and that I would come back to-morrow and watch a bit by the bedside.  But I got him to add—­and I shook my head hard to make it stronger—­“We agree that we never saw this face before.”

Our boy was greatly surprised when we told him sitting out in the balcony in the starlight, and he ran over some of those stories of former Lodgers, of the Major’s putting down, and asked wasn’t it possible that it might be this lodger or that lodger.  It was not possible, and we went to bed.

In the morning just at breakfast-time the military character came jingling round, and said that the doctor thought from the signs he saw there might be some rally before the end.  So I says to the Major and Jemmy, “You two boys go and enjoy yourselves, and I’ll take my Prayer Book and go sit by the bed.”  So I went, and I sat there some hours, reading a prayer for him poor soul now and then, and it was quite on in the day when he moved his hand.

He had been so still, that the moment he moved I knew of it, and I pulled off my spectacles and laid down my book and rose and looked at him.  From moving one hand he began to move both, and then his action was the action of a person groping in the dark.  Long after his eyes had opened, there was a film over them and he still felt for his way out into light.  But by slow degrees his sight cleared and his hands stopped.  He saw the ceiling, he saw the wall, he saw me.  As his sight cleared, mine cleared too, and when at last we looked in one another’s faces, I started back, and I cries passionately: 

“O you wicked wicked man!  Your sin has found you out!”

For I knew him, the moment life looked out of his eyes, to be Mr. Edson, Jemmy’s father who had so cruelly deserted Jemmy’s young unmarried mother who had died in my arms, poor tender creetur, and left Jemmy to me.

“You cruel wicked man!  You bad black traitor!”

With the little strength he had, he made an attempt to turn over on his wretched face to hide it.  His arm dropped out of the bed and his head with it, and there he lay before me crushed in body and in mind.  Surely the miserablest sight under the summer sun!

Project Gutenberg
Mrs. Lirriper's Legacy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.