The 30,000 Dollar Bequest and Other Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about The 30,000 Dollar Bequest and Other Stories.

The 30,000 Dollar Bequest and Other Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about The 30,000 Dollar Bequest and Other Stories.

Now we come upon some more McClintockian surprise—­a sweetheart who is sprung upon us without any preparation, along with a name for her which is even a little more of a surprise than she herself is.

In 1842 he entered the class, and made rapid progress in the English and Latin departments.  Indeed, he continued advancing with such rapidity that he was like to become the first in his class, and made such unexpected progress, and was so studious, that he had almost forgotten the pictured saint of his affections.  The fresh wreaths of the pine and cypress had waited anxiously to drop once more the dews of Heaven upon the heads of those who had so often poured forth the tender emotions of their souls under its boughs.  He was aware of the pleasure that he had seen there.  So one evening, as he was returning from his reading, he concluded he would pay a visit to this enchanting spot.  Little did he think of witnessing a shadow of his former happiness, though no doubt he wished it might be so.  He continued sauntering by the roadside, meditating on the past.  The nearer he approached the spot, the more anxious he became.  At that moment a tall female figure flitted across his path, with a bunch of roses in her hand; her countenance showed uncommon vivacity, with a resolute spirit; her ivory teeth already appeared as she smiled beautifully, promenading—­while her ringlets of hair dangled unconsciously around her snowy neck.  Nothing was wanting to complete her beauty.  The tinge of the rose was in full bloom upon her cheek; the charms of sensibility and tenderness were always her associates.  In Ambulinia’s bosom dwelt a noble soul—­one that never faded —­one that never was conquered.

Ambulinia!  It can hardly be matched in fiction.  The full name is Ambulinia Valeer.  Marriage will presently round it out and perfect it.  Then it will be Mrs. Ambulinia Valeer Elfonzo.  It takes the chromo.

Her heart yielded to no feeling but the love of Elfonzo, on whom she gazed with intense delight, and to whom she felt herself more closely bound, because he sought the hand of no other.  Elfonzo was roused from his apparent reverie.  His books no longer were his inseparable companions—­his thoughts arrayed themselves to encourage him to the field of victory.  He endeavored to speak to his supposed Ambulinia, but his speech appeared not in words.  No, his effort was a stream of fire, that kindled his soul into a flame of admiration, and carried his senses away captive.  Ambulinia had disappeared, to make him more mindful of his duty.  As she walked speedily away through the piny woods, she calmly echoed:  “O!  Elfonzo, thou wilt now look from thy sunbeams.  Thou shalt now walk in a new path—­perhaps thy way leads through darkness; but fear not, the stars foretell happiness.”

To McClintock that jingling jumble of fine words meant something, no doubt, or seemed to mean something; but it is useless for us to try to divine what it was.  Ambulinia comes—­we don’t know whence nor why; she mysteriously intimates—­we don’t know what; and then she goes echoing away—­we don’t know whither; and down comes the curtain.  McClintock’s art is subtle; McClintock’s art is deep.

Project Gutenberg
The 30,000 Dollar Bequest and Other Stories from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.