France in the Nineteenth Century eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 555 pages of information about France in the Nineteenth Century.

France in the Nineteenth Century eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 555 pages of information about France in the Nineteenth Century.

During the last months of Charles X.’s reign France made an expedition against the Dey of Algiers, which was the first step in the conquest of Algeria.  The immediate object of the expedition, however, was to draw off the attention of a disaffected nation from local politics.  An army of 57,000 soldiers, 103 ships of war, and many transports, was despatched to the coast of Barbary.  The expedition was not very glorious, but it was successful.  Te Deums were sung in Paris, the general in command was made a marshal, and his naval colleague a peer.

The royalists of France were at this period divided into two parties; the party of the king and Polignac, who were governed by the Jesuits, looked for support to the clergy of France.  The other party looked to the army.  Yet the most religious men in the country—­men like M. de la Ferronays, for example—­condemned and regretted the obstinacy of the king.

Louis Philippe, the Duke of Orleans, on whom all eyes were fixed, was the son of that infamous Duke of Orleans who in the Revolution proclaimed himself a republican, took the name of Philippe Egalite, and voted for the execution of the king, drawing down upon himself the rebuke of the next Jacobin whose turn it was to vote in the convention, who exclaimed:  “I was going to vote Yes, but I vote No, that I may not tread in the steps of the man who has voted before me.”

Egalite was in the end a victim.  He perished, after suffering great poverty, leaving three sons and a daughter.  The sons were Louis Philippe, who became Duke of Orleans, the Comte de Beaujolais, and the Duc de Montpensier.  One of these had shared the imprisonment of his father, and narrowly escaped the guillotine.

Louis Philippe had solicited from the Republic permission to serve under Dumouriez in his celebrated campaign in the Low Countries.  He fought with distinguished bravery at Valmy and Jemappes as Dumouriez’s aide-de-camp; but when that general was forced to desert his army and escape for his life, Louis Philippe made his escape too.  He went into Switzerland, and there taught mathematics in a school.  Thence he came to America, travelled through the United States, and resided for some time at Brooklyn.

In 1808 he went out to the Mediterranean in an English man-of-war in charge of his sick brother, the Comte de Beaujolais.  The same vessel carried Sir John Moore out to his command, and landed him at Lisbon.  Louis Philippe could not have had a very pleasant voyage, for the English admiral, on board whose ship he was a passenger, came up one day in a rage upon the quarter-deck, and declared aloud, in the hearing of his officers, that the Duke of Orleans was such a d——­d republican he could not sit at the same table with him.[1]

[Footnote 1:  My father was present, and often told the story]

Project Gutenberg
France in the Nineteenth Century from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.