Ancient Town-Planning eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 120 pages of information about Ancient Town-Planning.

Ancient Town-Planning eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 120 pages of information about Ancient Town-Planning.

Round this primitive city grew up the greater Pompeii.  The growth must have been rather by two or three distinct accretions than a gradual and continuous development.  At present we cannot trace these stages.  To do that we must wait till the excavations can be carried deeper down, and till the other half of the city has been uncovered, or at least till the lines of its streets and the shapes of its house-blocks have been determined, like those of Priene (p. 42), by special inquiry.  All that is as yet certain is that Regions I, III, V, and VI were laid out, and their houses were (in part at least) in existence before—­perhaps long before—­80 B.C., when the Sullan colony was planted,[49] and we see also that Region VI is planned differently from I and III.

    [49] Region VI contains an ancient column of the sixth century
    B.C. (Mau, Fuehrer, p. 113), but this may not be in situ.

Another fact claims notice.  The town-planning of Pompeii is in the main trapezoidal, not rectangular.  Neither its oblongs, nor its squares, nor its street-crossings exhibit true right angles, though many of the rooms and peristyles in the private houses are regular enough.  In this feature Pompeii resembles the trapezoidal outlines of the Terremare (fig. 11).  It resembles also much Roman military work, both of Republican and of Imperial date, which disregards the strict right angle and accepts squares and oblongs which are, so to say, askew.  The motive of the Terremare is supposed to have been, as I have said above, that of providing an easy flow for the water in the encircling moat.  The motive of various military camps may perhaps be found rather in a wish to secure the same area as that of an orthodox rectangle, even though the ground forbade the strict execution of the orthodox figure.  Whatever the reason, the trapezoidal house-blocks of Pompeii exhibit a feature which is not alien to the earlier town-planning of Italy, though it is strange to the cities of Greece.


Not only do we need to know more of Pompeii itself.  We need evidence also from other Italian towns of similar age.  Here our ignorance is deep.  Only one site which can help has been even tentatively explored.  Norba, which once crowned a spur of the Monti Lepini above the Pontine marshes, was founded as a Roman town, according to the orthodox chronology, in 492 B.C.[50] But the received chronology of the earlier Republic, minute as it looks, probably deserves no more credence than the equally minute but mainly fictitious dates assigned by the Saxon Chronicle to the beginnings of English History.  Actual remains found at Norba suggest rather that it was founded (not necessarily by Rome) about, or a little before, 300 B.C.; it is therefore later than the Terremare and Marzabotto, and later also than the Oscan age of Pompeii.  On the other hand, it came to an end in the Sullan period (82 B.C.).  Its excavation has little more than begun, but it already indicates a scheme of streets somewhat resembling that of Pompeii,[51] and it is a useful adjunct to our better knowledge of the more famous town.  The two together furnish examples of the town-planning of middle Italy of about 400-300 B.C., in days that are only half historic, and thus help to fill the gap between the Terremare and the fully developed system of the Roman Imperial period.

Project Gutenberg
Ancient Town-Planning from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.