Here permit me to ask an important question, and solemnly charge every reader to make answer as upon oath:
If common honesty compels fathers, husbands and brothers to admit these things to be true, will you ever again permit your wives, your daughters or your sisters to be found at one of these places, however decent the people may be, while they are under your control? If you do, after your attention has been called to the hideous deformity of the dance, God, man and your own conscience will condemn you. Whatsoever of evil or crime may be committed, unyielding justice, unmixed with mercy, will certainly hold you responsible. This last objection to the dance will hold and be just as good against the theaters and operas, because no one will deny but that a special effort is generally made at these places to excite the passions of men and women by an indecent exposure of their persons. To say the least of it, Christians have no business at these places.
A Christian has no business at any place where he cannot go in the name of Jesus Christ, because the Scripture says: “They shall walk up and down in His name.”—Zach., 10 ch. 12v. Micah, 4 ch. 5v.—“His name shall be on their foreheads.”—Rev., 22 ch. 4 v. “Ye are my witnesses.”—Isa., 43 ch. 10 v. Can a Christian, a true follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, “walk up and down” in a ball room in His name? Can a Christian go into a ball room with the name of Jesus Christ written on his or her forehead? If a man has His name written on his forehead, and he goes into a ball room, theater, opera, or a drinking saloon, does he not, by that act, hide the name of Jesus Christ? Can a Christian be a witness for God in the ball room, theater, opera, or drinking saloon? If not, his testimony is false, and he is a perjured man! I have no doubt some very nice people—society people—will be terribly shocked at the developments herein made.