EXECUTIVE MANSION, January 2, 1897.
Amend Rule VIII by striking out section 12 and substituting therefor the following:
Whenever there are no names of eligibles upon a register for any grade in which a vacancy exists, and the public interest requires that it must be filled before eligibles can be provided by the Commission, such vacancy may, subject to the approval of the Commission, be filled by appointment without examination and certification for such part of three months as will enable the Commission to provide eligibles. Such temporary appointment shall expire by limitation as soon as an eligible shall be provided, and no person shall serve longer than three months in any one year under such temporary appointment or appointments unless by special authority of the Commission previously obtained. Said year limitation shall commence from the date of such first appointment: Provided, That whenever an emergency shall arise requiring that a vacancy shall be filled before a certification can be issued and an appointment made thereto in the manner provided in these rules, such vacancy may be filled without regard to the provisions of these rules for such part of thirty days as may be required for the issuance of a certificate and the execution of the necessary details of an appointment thereto in accordance with said provisions. Such appointment shall in no case continue longer than thirty days.
EXECUTIVE MANSION, January 2, 1897.
Amend Rule V, section 4, prescribing age limitations for the classified service, by striking out the table after the tenth line and substituting therefor the following:
sp; Minimum.
Departmental Service:
Page, messenger boy, apprentice,
or student. 14 20
Printer’s assistant
and messenger. 18 No limit.
Positions in the railway mail
service. 18 35
Internes and hospital stewards
in the
service and acting second
assistant engineer
in the revenue-cutter
21 30
Cadet in the revenue-cutter
service and aid in
the Coast and
the Geodetic Survey. 18 25
Surfmen in the life-saving
service. 18 45
Superintendent, physician,
day-school inspector,
and disciplinarian in
the Indian service;
inspector and assistant
inspector of hulls,
an inspector and an
assistant inspector
of boilers, in the
service. 25 55
All other positions.
20 No limit.