Reservation), described as follows, to wit: Township
24 north, range 22 west; the south half of township
25 north, range 22 west; and the southwest quarter
of township 25 north, range 21 west; excepting also
1 acre of land in each of the reservations for county-seat
purposes in Counties M, N, O, and P, which tracts are
hereby reserved for Government use as sites for land
offices, and 4 acres in each reservation for county-seat
purposes hereinbefore named, which tracts are hereby
reserved as sites for court-houses; and excepting
also the reservations for the use of and in connection
with the Chilocco Indian Industrial School and for
county-seat purposes hereinbefore described; excepting
also the saline lands covered by three leases made
by the Cherokee Nation prior to March 3, 1893, known
as the Eastern, Middle, and Western Saline reserves,
under authority of the act of Congress of August 7,
1882 (22 U.S. Statutes at Large, p. 349), said
lands being described and identified as follows:
The Eastern Saline Reserve embracing all of section
6; lots 3 and 4 of section 4; the south half of the
northeast quarter, the south half of the northwest
quarter, the north half of the southwest quarter,
and lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 of section 5; and the northeast
quarter of the northwest quarter and lots 1 and 2
of section 7, township 25 north, range 9 west.
All of sections 6, 7, 8, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 27, 28,
29, 30, 31, 32, and 33; the southwest quarter, the
southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, and lots
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 of section 5; the southwest quarter,
the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, the
southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, and lot
1 of section 9; the west half of the southwest quarter
of section 15; the west half, the southeast quarter,
the west half of the northeast quarter, and the southeast
quarter of the northeast quarter of section 16; the
west half, the west half of the southeast quarter,
and the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter
of section 22; the west half, the west half of the
southeast quarter, the northeast quarter of the southeast
quarter, and the southwest quarter of the northeast
quarter of section 26; the northwest quarter, the north
half of the southwest quarter, the west half of the
northeast quarter, and the northeast quarter of the
northeast quarter of section 34; and the northwest
quarter of the northwest quarter of section 35, township
26 north, range 9 west. All of section 31; the
southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, the southeast
quarter of the southwest quarter, and lot 4 of section
30; and lots 3 and 4 of section 32, township 27 north,
range 9 west. All of sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10,
and 11; the southeast quarter, the south half of the
northeast quarter, the east half of the southwest
quarter, the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter,
and lots 1, 2, and 3 of section 5; the east half,
the southwest quarter, and the east half of the northwest
quarter of section 8; the north half, the north half