Special Indian Rule No. 1 is hereby amended by inserting after the words “New Mexico” in line 3 the words “also one normal teacher each at the Salem (Oreg.) school and the Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kans.” As amended the rule will read:
Exceptions from examination are hereby made as follows: One superintendent and the necessary teachers, not exceeding four in number, for the organization and equipment of one normal school to be established at Santa Fe, N. Mex.; also one normal teacher each at the Salem (Oreg.) school and the Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kans.; this rule to expire by limitation six months after the date of its approval.
Postal Rule II is hereby amended by striking put all of section 5 and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
5. Exceptions from examination in
the classified postal service are
hereby made as follows:
(a) Assistant postmaster or the
chief assistant to the
postmaster, by whatever designation known.
(b) One secretary to the postmaster,
when authorized by law and
allowed by the Post-Office Department.
(c) Cashier, when authorized by
law and employed under that
roster title.
(d) Assistant cashier, when authorized
by law and employed under
that roster title.
(e) Superintendents of station
or branch post-offices at which
letter carriers are employed.
(f) Printers and pressmen, when
authorized by law and allowed by
the Post-Office Department and employed
as such.
6. No person appointed to a place
under any exception made by any postal
rule shall be transferred to any other
place not also excepted from
Postal Rule IV is hereby amended by inserting after the word “manner,” in section 1, line 3, the following:
Provided, That superintendents
of mail shall be selected from
among the employees of the railway mail
service or of the mailing
division of the post-office at which they
are respectively to serve.
Postal Rule VIII is hereby amended as follows:
In clause (a), line 2, after the
word “by,” insert the word
“any,” and in the same line
strike out “II, clause 5.”
Approved, November 2, 1894.
EXECUTIVE MANSION, November 2, 1894.
Departmental Rule VII, clause 1, is hereby amended by inserting at the end of line 6 the following:
Vacancies in places authorized to be filled by noncompetitive examination may be filled without examination for a period not exceeding thirty days, until a regular appointment can be made upon certification made by the Commission.
Every such appointment and the reasons
therefor shall be at once
reported to the Commission.