or less, bounded by the riuer east, the mill west the
stake of the mill land and the east end of a
ledge of Iron Stone Rocks southards, and forty
acres of his owne land north, the said land to be
to him his heyres and assignes for euer, and all the
said land and eurie part thereof to be rate free
vntill it be improued, or any p’t of it,
and that his saws, & saw mill should be free from
any rates by the Towne, therefore know ye that
the ptyes abouesaid did mutually agree and consent
each with other concerning the aforementioned
propositions as followeth:
The towne on their part did giue, grant & confirme, vnto the said John Prescott his heyres and assignes for euer, all the aforementioned tract of land butted & bounded as aforesaid, to be to him his heyres and asssignes for euer with all the priuiledges and appurtenances thereon, and therevnto belonging to be to his and their owne propper vse and behoofe as aforesaid, and the land and eurie part of it to be free from all rates vntil it or any pt of it be improued, and also his saw, sawes, and saw-mill to be free from all town rates, or ministers rates, prouided the aforementioned worke be finished & compleated as abouesaid for the good of the towne, in some convenient time after this present contract covenant and agrem’t.
And the said John Prescott did and doth by these prsents bynd himself, his heyres and assignes to set vp a saw-mill as aforesaid within the bounds of the aforesaid Towne, and to supply the Towne with boords and other sawne worke as aforesaid and truly and faithfully to performe, fullfill, & accomplish, all the aforementioned p’misses for the good of the Towne as aforesaid.
Therefore the Selectmen conceiving this saw-mill to be of great vse to the Towne, and the after good of the place, Haue and do hereby act to rattifie and confirme all the aforemencconed acts, covenants, gifts, grants, & im’unityes, in respect of rates, and what euer is aforementioned, on their owne pt, and in behalfe of the Towne, and to the true performance hereof, both partyes haue and do bynd themselves by subscribing their hands, this twenty-fifth day of February, one thousand six hundred and fifty nine.
The worke above mencconed
was finished according to this covenant
as witnesseth.
Signed & Delivr’d In presence of,
Monday, the seventeenth of February, 1659, “the Company granted him to fall pines on the Com’ons to supply his saw-mill.”