The Marriage of William Ashe eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 559 pages of information about The Marriage of William Ashe.

The Marriage of William Ashe eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 559 pages of information about The Marriage of William Ashe.

“To the men, of course!  If we didn’t like clothes, if we didn’t like being admired—­where would you be?”

“Personally, I could get on,” said Cliffe.  “You expect us to be too much on our knees.”

“As if we should ever get you there if it didn’t amuse you!” said Kitty.  “Hypocrites!  If we don’t dress, paint, chatter, and tell lies for you, you won’t look at us—­and if we do—­”

“Of course, it all depends on how well it’s done,” threw in Cliffe.

Kitty laughed.

“That’s judging by results.  I look to the motive.  I repeat, if I powder and paint, it’s not because I’m vain, but because it’s my painful duty to give you pleasure.”

“And if it doesn’t give me pleasure?”

She shrugged her shoulders.

“Call me stupid then—­not vain.  I ought to have done it better.”

“In any case,” said Ashe, “it’s your duty to please us?”

“Yes—­” sighed Kitty.  “Worse luck!”

And she sank softly back in her chair, her eyes shining under the stimulus of the laugh that ran through her circle.  The Dean joined in it uneasily, conscious, no doubt, of the sharp, crackling movements by which in the distance Lady Grosville was dumbly expressing herself—­through the Times.  Cliffe looked at the small figure a moment, then seized a chair and sat down in front of her, astride.

“I wonder why you want to please us?” he said, abruptly, his magnificent blue eyes upon her.

“Ah!” said Kitty, throwing up her hands, “if we only knew!”

“You find it in the tragedy of your sex?”

“Or comedy,” said the Dean, rising.  “I take you at your word, Lady Kitty.  To-night it will be your duty to please me.  Remember, you promised to say us some more French.”  He lifted an admonitory finger.

“I don’t know any ‘Athalie,’” said Kitty, demurely, crossing her hands upon her knee.

The Dean smiled to himself as he crossed the room to Lady Grosville, and endeavored by an impartial criticism of the new curate’s manner and voice, as they had revealed themselves in church that morning, to distract her attention from her niece.

A hopeless task—­for Kitty’s personality was of the kind which absorbs, engulfs attention, do what the by-stander will.  Eyes and ears were drawn perforce into the little whirlpool that she made, their owners yielding them, now with delight, now with repulsion.

Mary Lyster, for instance, came in presently, fresh from a walk with Lady Edith Manley.  She, too, had changed her dress.  But it was a discreet and reasonable change, and Lady Grosville looked at her soft gray gown with its muslin collar and cuffs—­delicately embroidered, yet of a nunlike cut and air notwithstanding—­with a hot energy of approval, provoked entirely by Kitty’s audacities.  Mary meanwhile raised her eyebrows gently at the sight of Kitty.  She swept past the group, giving a cool greeting to Geoffrey Cliffe, and presently settled herself in the farther room, attended by Louis Harman and Darrell, who had just arrived by the afternoon train.  Clearly she observed Kitty and observed her with dislike.  The attitude of her companions was not so simple.

Project Gutenberg
The Marriage of William Ashe from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.