The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 34 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.

The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 34 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.
  Hereford, Cathedral of, 324
  Hoarding Money, 143
  Holland, outline of, 338
  Holy Cross, history of the, 392
  Home of Love, the, 170
  Home Truth, 64
  Homeward Voyage, the, 98
  Howard, the Hon. Charles, Lines to the memory of, 149
  Hunchback, merits of the, 365
  Huntsman, the, a tale, 67
  Hythe, antiquity of, 294
  Ignorance, imperial, 352
  Illumination, origin of, 176
  Imaum at Muscat, court of, 73
  Incident on the coast, 373
    in the life of a Rascal, 58
  Inconsolable persons, 384
  India, Letters from, 100
    hail-storms in, 128
    servants in, 105
  Inheritance, custom of, 276
  Innkeepers of former times, 79
  Irish bar, anecdotes of, 63—­80
  Irish Mantle, Spencers account of, 415
  Italian, lines from, 339
  Jackalls in India, 80
  Jack Spencer, eccentricities of, 317
  James I., boyhood and education of, 233
  Jemmy Maclaine, the highwayman, 291
  Jews, persecution of, 319
  John, King, death of, 288
  Johnson, Dr., birthplace of, 257
    and George III., 318
    pun by, 272
  Jones, Sir William, his plan of study, 358
  Judas Iscariot’s betrayal of Christ, 120
  Judge, upright, one, 267
  Juliet, character of, 117
    tomb of, 265
  Junot and Napoleon, anecdote of, 190
  Kemble, John anecdote of, 318
  Ken, bishop, 48—­336
  Kenulph, King, his daughter, a tale, 4
  Key, ancient, 337
  King William IV., domestic habits of, 303
  Kings, poverty of, 358
  Knife-handle, antique, 345
  Knowledge, how to acquire, 416
  Korner, lines from, 38
  Laconics, 31
  La Fontaine, absence of, 111
  Land-storm, tropical, 426
  Landers’ Voyage and Discoveries on the Niger, 149
  Langreish, Sir Hercules and his friend, 63
  Last of the Family, 156
  Laurencekirk Snuff-boxes, 151
  Lawrence, Mr. Justice, 277
  Laws of the Navy, ancient, 134
  Learned Ladies, 304
  Lee, church at, described, 153
  Leg, the worst, 368
  Lestingham Church described, 297
  Levee of the Sheik of Fellahi, 75
  Life, progress of, 144
  Libels on Poets, 290
  Lifting heavy persons, 73
  Lines to ——­, 226
  Lion-killer, 80
  Lisbon described, 209
    dandy, 69
    dinner, 70
    dockyard, 70
    dogs, 70
    vanity, 70
    water-carrier, 70
  Lock, miniature, 352
  Locomotive Engines in America, 192
  Lord Mayors of London, 176
  Lords, house of, forms of, 325
  Lord’s Prayer in Arawaak, 320
  Louis XIV., real character of, 84
  Lucretia Davidson lines on, 148
  Lucretius, extract from, 192
  Ludlow Castle, stanzas on revisiting, 67
  Lydford Bridge described, 289
  Machinery and Manufactures, economy of, 27
  Macklin’s grand pause, 367
  Madonna, Italian hymn to, 34
  Magic in the East, true stories of, 26—­76
  Magic, natural, 72
Project Gutenberg
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.