The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 34 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.

The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 34 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.
  Braithwaite’s Steam Fire-Engine, 111
  Brass-plate Coal-merchants, 56
  Bread, legal adulteration of, 366
  Brent Tor church, 112
  Brevities, 179
  Bridewell, in the reign of Elizabeth, 357
  Bridge, stupendous, in Spain, 24
  Britain, early inhabitants of, 276—­371
  British Artists’ Exhibition, 330—­362
  British Institution, School of Painting at, 362
  British Museum, the, 140
  Brougham, Henry, anecdote of, 182
  Brydges, Sir Egerton, 86
  Bull, national, 240
  Burnham Abbey described, 81
  Bustard, natural history of, 328
  Butterfly, Chameleon, and Serpent, 425
  Byron, Lord, conversations with, 6—­86—­110
    and Anastasius, 156
    early poems, by, 12
    and Earl Grey, 80
    and the English, 9
    and Mrs. Hemans, 156
    and Mr. Hope, 156
    on horseback, 110
    and Leigh Hunt, 157
    and Italian women, 117
    his love, 269
    letter of, 290
    and Moore, 7
    personal description of, 7
    and Scott, 110
    and Shelley, 9
    and Madame de Stael, 86
    and Venice, 63
  Caesar, Julius, his superstition, 238
  Cairngorm, origin of, 77
  Caliga, origin of, 112
  Caloric, or the matter of heat, 206
  Canada, climate of, 57
    notes on, 29
  Canary Birds, breeding, 111
  Candelabra and Lamps of Pompeii, 412
  Canning, Mr., statue of, 25
  Cannon Clock, 144
  Cannon, names of, 160
  Canova, vase, containing the heart of, 169
  Caprices, national, 439
  Caps, laws relating to, 319
  Cara, lines to, 272
  Carding a Tithe-Procter, 52
  Card-playing, indifferent, 318
  Cards, second-hand, 425
  Caroline, the late Queen, 158
  Cartoons at Hampton Court, 287
  Cascades and Cataracts, origin of, 97
  Cashmere Shawl goat, 94
  Castle of Framlingham, 305
  Catacombs at Paris, lines on, 338
  Castanets, origin of, 160
  Cats horticulturists, 80
  Cedar trees, large, 341
  Chair, ancient, 344
    of St. Bede, 440
  Chairing, parliamentary, origin of, 176
  Chancellor, Lord, his office, 71
    Salary, 128
    Start in Life, 125
  Chapel on the Bridge, Wakefield, described, 401
  Chaptel, memoir of, 88
  Charlemagne, life of, 93, 128
    palace of, 119
  Charles I., Trials of, 41
    ii., progress of, 261
  Charters in the British Museum, 336
  Chase, the, a sketch, 21
  Chatsworth, beauties of, 432
  Chimneys, invention of, 139
  Chlamyphorus, natural history of, 263
  Cholera, a cleanser, 432
    Mount, by Montgomery, 315
  Christmas, ancient and modern, 419
    carols, 430
    Dalmatia, 419
    Hereford, 438
    Kent, 419
    Mexico, 438
    Norfolk, 419
    Why and Because of, 429
  Church, Lestingham, described, 297
    new, St. Dunstan’s, 34
  Cigar smoking, motto for, 208
Project Gutenberg
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.