In the Catskills eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 208 pages of information about In the Catskills.

In the Catskills eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 208 pages of information about In the Catskills.

When one is on a mountain-top, he spends most of the time in looking at the show he has been at such pains to see.  About every hour we would ascend the rude lookout to take a fresh observation.  With a glass I could see my native hills forty miles away to the northwest.  I was now upon the back of the horse, yea, upon the highest point of his shoulders, which had so many times attracted my attention as a boy.  We could look along his balsam-covered back to his rump, from which the eye glanced away down into the forests of the Neversink, and on the other hand plump down into the gulf where his head was grazing or drinking.  During the day there was a grand procession of thunderclouds filing along over the northern Catskills, and letting down veils of rain and enveloping them.  From such an elevation one has the same view of the clouds that he does from the prairie or the ocean.  They do not seem to rest across and to be upborne by the hills, but they emerge out of the dim west, thin and vague, and grow and stand up as they get nearer and roll by him, on a level but invisible highway, huge chariots of wind and storm.

In the afternoon a thick cloud threatened us, but it proved to be the condensation of vapor that announces a cold wave.  There was soon a marked fall in the temperature, and as night drew near it became pretty certain that we were going to have a cold time of it.  The wind rose, the vapor above us thickened and came nearer, until it began to drive across the summit in slender wraiths, which curled over the brink and shut out the view.  We became very diligent in getting in our night wood, and in gathering more boughs to calk up the openings in the hut.  The wood we scraped together was a sorry lot, roots and stumps and branches of decayed spruce, such as we could collect without an axe, and some rags and tags of birch bark.  The fire was built in one corner of the shanty, the smoke finding easy egress through large openings on the east side and in the roof over it.  We doubled up the bed, making it thicker and more nest-like, and as darkness set in, stowed ourselves into it beneath our blankets.  The searching wind found out every crevice about our heads and shoulders, and it was icy cold.  Yet we fell asleep, and had slept about an hour when my companion sprang up in an unwonted state of excitement for so placid a man.  His excitement was occasioned by the sudden discovery that what appeared to be a bar of ice was fast taking the place of his backbone.  His teeth chattered, and he was convulsed with ague.  I advised him to replenish the fire, and to wrap himself in his blanket and cut the liveliest capers he was capable of in so circumscribed a place.  This he promptly did, and the thought of his wild and desperate dance there in the dim light, his tall form, his blanket flapping, his teeth chattering, the porcupines outside marking time with their squeals and grunts, still provokes a smile, though it was a serious enough matter

Project Gutenberg
In the Catskills from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.