“I bequeath to my executor (or executors) the sum of —— dollars, in trust, to pay the same in —— days after my decease to the person who, when the same is payable, shall act as Treasurer of the ’American Missionary Association,’ of New York City, to be applied, under the direction of the Executive Committee of the Association, to its charitable uses and purposes.” The Will should be attested by three witnesses.
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VOL. XLII. AUGUST, 1888. No. 8.
=American Missionary Association.=
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Our receipts for the nine months ending June 30 are $214,434.40, an increase of $10,913.66, as compared with the corresponding months of last year. The increase of receipts from legacies is only $184.81, showing that almost the entire increase is from collections, and this we regard as the genuine test of the confidence of our patrons in the work of the Association. On the other hand, a large part of this increase is for special objects, and does not aid us in meeting regular appropriations. We must add, also, that our expenditures during the last nine months have been $21,828.95 greater than for the same months last year. These facts point inevitably to the trilemma—debt, curtailment or increased receipts.
It is easy to say “retrench,” and if it is the unmistakable call of the churches, we must do it. But we wish to present another aspect of the subject. In a case where enlargement in the way of new or improved buildings is imperatively demanded to ensure the usefulness of the school, and where there comes to us Providentially, and without solicitation on our part, the proffer of the money to make those enlargements, is it our duty to refuse that money? If our constituents have the facts before them, we, as their agents, will cheerfully abide their decision. To this end will be found below the sketch of a conversation, not imaginary, but which actually occurred, and which will present some of these facts. We ask our patrons to read it and then to decide whether our action in these cases was right, and, if so, whether it should be a guide for the future.
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About two years ago a gentleman came to this office, and said to one of the Secretaries:
“If a person has eight or ten thousand dollars which he would like to devote to some good object, where would you advise him to give it?”
To this the Secretary promptly replied: “To the American Missionary Association, of course.”
“All right,” said the gentleman, “but to what special purpose would you advise it to be applied?”
“Our great need,” said the Secretary, “is to meet current expenses, and I would advise that it be devoted to that.”