The Thirteenth Chair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about The Thirteenth Chair.

The Thirteenth Chair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about The Thirteenth Chair.

(MISS EASTWOOD moves to the chesterfield C.)

MRS. TRENT (seated over L. by door).  If we know you are fooling—­

ROSALIE (going to TRENT).  Did not Mr. Wales tell you?

WALES (L.C.).  I’ve told them nothing.

(MASON drops down R. of chesterfield, STANDISH down L. CROSBY is
R. end of chesterfield C.)

ROSALIE (C.).  Well, tell them now, if you please, sir. (Moves to and sits upper end of table and takes off her gloves.)

WALES (down L.).  As I told you some time ago, Madame la Grange has done a lot of things that we can’t explain—–­when I asked her to come here to-night, she said she would under certain conditions.

MASON (between chesterfield and table).  You mean test conditions?

WALES.  Not exactly.  What she said was that no money should pass between us, and that whatever she did, she would be honest.

MASON (very eagerly, and moving towards ROSALIE).  You mean that you won’t play any tricks?

ROSALIE.  If I do, I will tell you.

MISS EASTWOOD (seated on chesterfield C.).  Of course we understand all about spirit rappings.

ROSALIE.  You do, eh?

STANDISH (down L.).  Well, rather.

(CROSBY sits R. end of chesterfield.)

ROSALIE.  Well, well, what do you think of that?

MISS EASTWOOD.  You have to be near a table or something like that and—­

ROSALIE.  Maybe a chair or a desk would do?

MISS EASTWOOD.  And then in the dark—­

ROSALIE.  But of course in the dark.  And you get one rap for yes and two raps for no. (There is a short pause.  ROSALIE rises, comes down C. and says:) Are those spirits near?

(All laugh.)

STANDISH.  Oh, no, don’t.

(One rap is heard from the back of the fireplace.)

(Little laugh.)

MISS EASTWOOD.  But—­(Rising and coming down L.C. a step.)

MASON.  Oh, please keep still—­

(They gather a little closer around ROSALIE.)

ROSALIE.  Is it Laughing Eyes?

(One rap is heard—­still louder.)

And you cannot talk to me in the light?

(One rap.)

Are you ’appy?

(MRS. TRENT rises.)

(Two raps again.)

Is there someone here you do not like?

(One rap.)

A gentleman?

(Two raps.)

Dear, dear, a lady?

(One rap.)

(She points to MISS EASTWOOD.)

Is it that one?

(One rap.)

Laughing Eyes she do not like you.

(General laugh.)

MASON (R.C.).  That’s the most wonderful thing I ever heard.

Project Gutenberg
The Thirteenth Chair from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.